Elections 2024 Mar 12, 2024 at 9:01 am

Vote for Uncommitted Delegates by 8 PM Today

Don't Kate Middleton me. This photo is obviously from the fall, but it's still rainy, so we're dealing with the same environment. Except now this ballot box is located against that far wall in the background. RS



Of course the Stranger is telling people to vote uncommitted. Liberal lemmings not thinking of potential implications and effect on the presidential election. Kinda reminds me of MAGA and telling delegates to not v+ote. Thanks for not supporting our democratic process and making it weaker. Great message.


Donald Trump thanks you, Rich.


If you rely on the advice of…well, anyone other than yourself and your own values and research you’ve done on the issues and candidates then maybe voting isn’t really your thing.


“Short version: we want Joe Biden to beat Donald Trump in the general election, and if he doesn't stop the war crimes in Palestine, then he'll lose.”

And, of course, Donald Trump will make sure Israel “plays nice”. But hey, at least you’ll have shown those Democrats as Israel and Russia get green lights to truly do whatever they want while we’re in a shooting war with Iran.


"voting "uncommitted" could go a long way in ending US complicity in genocide."

Voting uncommitted in an uncontested primary won't change a thing.

If you think the Biden administration is going to take a vulnerable political position on a hotly contested foreign policy issue simply because a statistically insignificant portion of the electorate made a protest vote, you are incredibly naĂŻve.


Fuck you, Rich.


are Power-
less. NEVER
Forget that. oh
and Remember: it
ain't Actual Genocide

you were
to Reverse
the Numbers.

have a Nice Day!


Expanding on my @5, Biden was just declared the winner of the Georgia Democratic primary As a result, has now clinched the Democratic nomination. So, protest votes are even more pointless now, and will have no effect whatsoever on U.S. foreign policy or any aspect of the conflict in Gaza.


This could be rewritten to read:

"We were high out of our minds/We were comatose from 2017-2021 so please go ahead and do something utterly either (at best) pointless or (at worst) destructive to the currently only possible winner of the 2024 race who is NOT DT."


Here is a list of 10,000 Palestinian children murdered in Gaza.


The first 1000 are just the children aged 0 to 4.
Three times as many children have been murdered to date.
Three times as many children have been maimed and orphaned (or both) to date.

Three times as many children are being starved to death as I type this.

There is no lesser evil, only evil.

Hundreds of BILLIONS of American taxpayer dollars to commit war crimes, crimes against humanity, crimes that violate United States law, crimes that violate International law, and crimes that violate the "rules of engagement" (aka war, though it is not war when it's one army against a population of civilians, more than half of whom are children).

Keep cheering about Biden. His legacy is genocide. His legacy is Zionism. His legacy is violating all laws, national and international, using American taxpayer dollars, allowing "Israel" to exterminate human beings.

Be sure to tell everyone how proud you are to vote for Biden!


Biden has not only the ability to cut off military aid to Israel, but he is required by law to do so, so long as it is preventing humanitarian aid from entering Gaza. But he won’t do it.

The idea that we’re giving massive amounts in aid to a country that is refusing our request to allow humanitarian assistance through is embarrassing.

Embarrassing. That’s what we’ve come to. The superpower is embarrassed by its client state’s ongoing massacre of Palestinian civilians that shows no signs of stopping. The President is having to explain himself and distance himself from the Israelis.


Poor Biden. How embarrassing! Leader of the free world can't say not to genocidal psychopaths.


Biden has secured the Democratic nomination.

The Stranger's hipster delusion of being an influential trendsetter is shattered once more.


And after all that, Biden dominates and gets 85.68% in the primary. Uncommitted gets 7.44%. By way of comparison, Trump only gets 73.79%.

Way to be at the forefront of the lunatic fringe, Stranger! Awesome work. At least now people should know definitively to ignore your policy preferences, which have essentially zero support among the electorate.


@14 -- the "lunatic fringe'?

Change doesn't come
from the Middle or
we'd Still be stuck
in our caves.

Corporate Rule*
is now De rigueur here

and the Status Quozzies
could not BE any

*will you be having
Corporate-Lite or
fully Fascist?


I am curious - Xina, since you are the moral uberlord, what would you do for this election? What is the right thing? Or you don't care because they're all evil?

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