She’s not going to win. How about we spend more time promoting efforts to move council elections to even years and less time showering people with praise for their wardrobe choices.
Any candidate that thinks the streetcar is a good use of transit dollars has their beanie on too tight (it was a marketing tool to make a very rich man even richer).
I really hope we get some serious candidates for this position (winning virtue signaling bingo is not indicative of a strong candidate). I wonder how this candidate will spend their democracy vouchers (hopefully better than Ace)?
Assuming she completed her undergraduate degree in anywhere near the usual amount of time, then she has 10-20 years of working as a college graduate in Seattle — and she’s living in low-income housing, now going for a job which can’t be considered financially lucrative. I strongly suggest she stop hoping to spend a fair amount of money on a literal campaign to reside in Seattle for four more years, and instead start saving to leave Seattle.
“… she refused to apply to colleges outside of Seattle, determined to land back in the Emerald City.”
Cleaning up the gawdawful mess persons like her have made of Seattle will take a Council full of hard-eyed realists, ready to make tough, gritty compromises for the long-term good of all. Someone who does what she wants simply because she wants to do it, and then sticks with it long past the time a rational reassessment has clearly become necessary, represents the polar opposite of what Seattle now needs.
She sounds personable enough, and I hope she leaves town long before she’s forced out, or leaves herself with the choice between miserable residential conditions or flat-out homelessness. I’m sure she means well, but Seattle arrived at where it is via a long road, paved with the very best of good intentions.
@5 I hope that you check out your work for responses every now and then so that you can see my response to your disgustingly plutocratic comment. You are an ass.
She’s not going to win. How about we spend more time promoting efforts to move council elections to even years and less time showering people with praise for their wardrobe choices.
Hannah, I'm curious. Is "Lefty" a compliment?
LOL. OK. Sure.
Any candidate that thinks the streetcar is a good use of transit dollars has their beanie on too tight (it was a marketing tool to make a very rich man even richer).
I really hope we get some serious candidates for this position (winning virtue signaling bingo is not indicative of a strong candidate). I wonder how this candidate will spend their democracy vouchers (hopefully better than Ace)?
“Sanchez was born in Seattle in the 1980s…”
Assuming she completed her undergraduate degree in anywhere near the usual amount of time, then she has 10-20 years of working as a college graduate in Seattle — and she’s living in low-income housing, now going for a job which can’t be considered financially lucrative. I strongly suggest she stop hoping to spend a fair amount of money on a literal campaign to reside in Seattle for four more years, and instead start saving to leave Seattle.
“… she refused to apply to colleges outside of Seattle, determined to land back in the Emerald City.”
Cleaning up the gawdawful mess persons like her have made of Seattle will take a Council full of hard-eyed realists, ready to make tough, gritty compromises for the long-term good of all. Someone who does what she wants simply because she wants to do it, and then sticks with it long past the time a rational reassessment has clearly become necessary, represents the polar opposite of what Seattle now needs.
She sounds personable enough, and I hope she leaves town long before she’s forced out, or leaves herself with the choice between miserable residential conditions or flat-out homelessness. I’m sure she means well, but Seattle arrived at where it is via a long road, paved with the very best of good intentions.
we got
rid of you
we Must be
doing Something
@5 I hope that you check out your work for responses every now and then so that you can see my response to your disgustingly plutocratic comment. You are an ass.
@7: And you are a saint (just ask you), but the only patience you’ve so far demonstrated was a week-long delay in responding.
Now that you know I do indeed follow-up, please feel free to say which part(s) of my comment @5 you believe to be inaccurate.