Elections 2024 Apr 30, 2024 at 9:30 am

The Road to a Constitutional Majority Runs Through a District No Democrat Has Won Since 1964

Former Snoqualmie City Council Member Jim Mayhew jumps into a state Senate race that will have major implications for Democratic Party power. Courtesy of the Campaign



A “Constitutional Majority” in the WA State Senate is 25 out of the 49 seats, which Democrats already have. They reference that all the time during passage of bills and amendments. Check out TVW sometime.

They do need a supermajority to amend the state Constitution, which is what you seem to be talking about. And no, they’re not going to use a supermajority to amend the Constitution in anything like the ways The Stranger fantasizes about.


Why would they need to amend the constitution?


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This article will hurt Jim's chances. If I were in the opposition this is exactly the message I would use.


@2: Why change it ?

Because it gets in the way of the ultra-liberals agenda. On the issues of the States protection of RKBA and income taxes to name two examples.

@4. So, what do you think Rich's moives are? Torpedo Jim's chances because he has a more appopriate candidate in mind? More appropriate in what sense? And who might that be? Or Rich is just engaging in some wishful thinking, with no ulterior motives. And he just didn't think through the political back-stabbing process that candidates have to deal with.


2 to get rid of the pointless, archaic Constitutional bans on rent control and state or local income taxes. We need rent control so that this does not become a state where no one but the wealthy can live anywhere anybody would WANT to live; we need local and state income taxes- which would be deductible from federal income tax payments- so we can finally be free of the sales taxes that place a disproportionate, unjust burden on the non-wealthy.


2 to get rid of the pointless, archaic Constitutional bans on rent control and state or local income taxes. We need rent control so that this does not become a state where no one but the wealthy can live anywhere anybody would WANT to live; we need local and state income taxes- which would be deductible from federal income tax payments- so we can finally be free of the sales taxes that place a disproportionate, unjust burden on the non-wealthy.

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