Features Feb 25, 2010 at 4:00 am

Sneaking Hard, Dry Meat into Bodies—an Exhibition of Hard, Dry Meat

THE DART-MAN: I bet the guy never threw darts in his life. Trent Moorman


Trent this article is genius!!, and once again reminds me why i have NEVER ever wanted to support or go to Bodies: The Exhibition
There is another, separate from Premier Exhibitions, traveling corpse circus called Bodyworlds where EVERY body used was specifically donated for the purpose of anatomical exhibition.

It's a much different experience when you don't have to freak out about how creepy the exploitation is (against owners will = very creepy) and you can focus on the extreme intricacy of the human body.

It can still be creepy...
I dig your style, Trent. Snap into a Slim Xin!
If the owners of this exhibition looked in the mirror they would see slightly hairy butt holes.
I went to the Bodies Exhibition in Las Vegas (you know, as a flimsy "educational" excuse to go to Vegas). As a biology teacher, I found it pretty fascinating. Outside of medical students, how many people would get a chance otherwise to see what a human lung really looks like from the inside?

I knew the moral controversies going in. And it is creepy that a lot of people treated it as a date or a family outing. But I look at it like I look at eating factory-processed meat: the body is already dead, and possibly died an inhumane death. By going with an earnest attitude, to try to learn something, I restore some honor and purpose to the body.

To be honest, the thing that offended me the most was the fetus room. Not because it was a bunch of dead, possibly aborted babies, but because they put a special disclaimer and a bypass route for people who might be offended by (gasp!) abortion. People, if you haven't been freaked out by the executed dissident adults on display, I'm pretty sure you can handle looking at a beige dot (the week-old embryo).
We took my grandma - an ancient, sharp-tongued survivor of Stalinist and, later, Nazi work camps - and after taking a look around she stated plainly, "I've seen all this before."
I don't see anything wrong with them using executed prisoners. They were members of a communist regime AND criminals... showing American couples their balls and organs is probably the most useful thing they ever did.

I say cook up a few more and put American flags in their hands... lets give them a chance to be Americans finally!
I wonder how much Premier Exhibitions pays for candied Stranger writers?
You are a brave man Trent Moorman. Ribs after? Brave.
and that picture, dart on balls, right on!!!! Wow.
the bodyworlds exhibit puts forms at the exit for people to sign up to donate their cadavers as future specimens. by 2004 they'd had over 3,000 people sign themselves up.
This blew my meat eating mind away.

Eating beef jerky inside the Bodies exhibit is exactly like sky diving, yes.

Thank you, Trent. Really really liked it. Sorry you ended up in the Fetus room with a mouth full of beef jerky.
11, I don't know if I could sign up for it. They would have to promise to put me in some amazing pose, like doing brain surgery on another 'Body', and then have that body making a model train.
Anyone want to try this out? Sneak jerky in, then go eat ribs? Stranger should make the Stranger Suggests guy try this.
Stranger suggests we sell a writer or two to the bodies exhibit for cheap?
I don't condone anything this young man does! I think it's terrible. Shame on you
Awesome and well-written article.

I think I threw up a little in my mouth.
I saw Body Worlds in Toronto it is the same thing+ ethics. Meaning you still don't know where the bodies come from but they were donated to science and everything is pretty by the books. I think Seattle's Bodies sounds like the discount version.
Excellent article, Trent. Thanks for going for me and telling the tale- now I *know* I don't need to see this. Ever.
I've always found the idea of these exhibits repulsive on so many levels, but my fascination with human anatomy has tempted me to go anyway. I'll content myself with A&P books to satisfy my curiosity. You did the dirty work so I don't have to.
I loved the article. It was very clever, entertaining, and I loved the jerky theme. I don't know I agree though. I really loved the idea of the brain, in your hand being "full of memories". That struck me inside.

I think Bodies is really interesting and poignant. It is turning these bodies into plastic. Not the person they once were. This isn't a chinese prisoner; its a body. The chinese prisoner, to which atrocities were committed against, left that body when the person died. The person. The soul. That was the sacred thing; the body is just a plastic shell.

I don't like the gift shop. I do think the body is a mechanical marvel and should be respected. That sicked me out. It sicks me out that people go to Bodies and don't get it. They don't realize the amazing thing they are seeing. But I don't think its the lack of respect for the person that the figures were that bothers me as much as the lack of respect for the incredible gift we are given by having the chance to see natures complexities.

I see Bodies as a celebration of the magical genius that is the human body. We should be seeing it and be in awe. Celebrate our bodies. Respect them. Be amazed. Be inspired to use them.

I like that you ate meat. Its the same thing. That meat wasn't a cow that had a calf it loved. Its the meat that's left over after the cow is gone.
@2 and @18, thank you for mentioning that Bodies...The Exhibition and Body Worlds are not one and the same.

Body Worlds, which originated this concept, is scrupulous in its use of release forms, rendering unassailable the intent to be a part of the exhibition and garnering donations from all over the world. Its displays are marginally more tasteful but infinitely more educational.

The figure in the ad Bodies runs weekly in The Stranger clearly sports the facial features of a Chinese man, a perpetual reminder that People's Republic corpses of "unknown origin" are the exhibition's ONLY source material.

It is no accident that Body Worlds shows up in science and natural history museums and Bodies arrives in convention centers and casinos.

Bodies has now visited Seattle twice. Both Portland and Vancouver have hosted the real Body Worlds. Once again, our neighbors get the ethical win.
Some of the background and thoughts about the exhibit is interesting, but the puerility of the jerky thing really screwed this article.

Leave the pretentious ooh-I'm-an-edgy-hipster-eating-jerky-in-front-of-dried-bodies thing out next time, and we might have something that people can read without their (non-desiccated) eyeballs rolling out of their heads.
Trix, you sound like a fucking bore. I roll my eyes harder at you, than you could ever possibly conceive of rolling eyes at this article. You Trix, are what I like to think of as a Fuckwad. You judge, or like to think you judge. But really you lack passion and risk and humor and beauty and life. You are afraid, and therefore turn your nose up at things you consider to be below you. Fuck you and everything you represent.
Trix = spot on. Sorta.
Awesome article.
I work at one of the Bodies exhibits. I eat beef jerky there all the time. It helps soothe the annoyance of listening to people's stupid comments and watching gross couples make out.
Every article in the past years on the Bodies exhibit talks about the controversy. When has there ever been anything written or shown on media that doesn't address the issue of origin? Can any visitor go into the exhibit saying they were not aware? No - and neither can you.

Sorry but this article seems to be an attempt to write another promotion article just to justify attendance when you know good and well every penny of your admission and merchandise purchases just furthers this type of exhibit.

This is a bad exhibit and the Stranger should be ashamed of itself for running its full page ads
and promoting the exhibit.
This exhibit is not just "wrong", I believe it's illegal.
It has been banned in California, Hawaii,Venezuela and other countries. How does a display of dead bodies ever come into the United States? These are all Chinese persons. If this was a display of African-Americans, or all women, I don't think it would be here in Seattle.

Trent Moorman and past attendees, I expect you to be protesting outide the exhibit every Saturday to correct your karma.
Wow, your friend is awesome. "Knowing it's a woman makes me uncomfortable. It's more personal now. I was okay when I thought they were all dudes."

So much for common humanity. Thank God she's not in charge of anything that might affect me -- and if she is, she should be removed immediately.
Seattle San,
They can legally enter the U.S. because they are considered "plastics" by U.S. Customs. They aren't human tissue anymore, but plastic.
There was actually some trouble at some point getting the Bodies through customs. Confusion as to how to claim them. Go figure.
This show came through Edmonton a couple of years back, I couldn't believe anyone actually went. A friend of mine did though, and he said at the end there was an opportunity to sign up to donate your body to the exhibit. (he said the line was way too long) Strange....
Edmonton got Body Worlds, not Bodies. Big difference, apparently!
I've been to both bodies & Body Worlds. Body Worlds somehow comes across way better and as was pointed out, less Chinese dissident-y.
The mummified lone butthole, away from its body is the apex of this piece. That is solid work, Trent. I laughed, very hard.
Oh, and the teacup from the Titanic as compared to the lone butthole is perfectly fitting. Similarly morbid. Why would you want to look at either one, but something you can't turn away from. Like these whole 'Bodies' exhibits.

I'm sorry, but I can't differentiate between any of them. They are dead people in poses and like Trent says, it's all just levels of wrong.

I seriously doubt all the bodies in Body World, the ones that are supposed be donated, knew they were going to be put in sports poses and carted around the world on display. This IS NOT donating your body to science. It's donating your body so that someone else can make money off it.
Thank you, Trent. I've never so thoroughly deluged myself in wrongness to that degree.

It's in the vicinity of how I regard, storms at sea (having once beat a tempest to port):

I'm pretty sure I don't anticipate going there, but I'd like to have had the experience of having been there.
Uriel, I agree. I would NEVER in a million years eat jerky, look at one of these exhibitions, then go eat ribs. But it is a very interesting experiment. I would never do this, and I'm glad we have Trent telling us how it is.
I agree that everyone here ought to be ashamed of themselves. You kids don't know what my generation went through fighting dictators and perverts
Pat, I take it you aren't going to donate your body to Bodies when you pass?
I took my 14y/o sister to this exhibit and though she was sceptical (repeatedly asked her if she was sure) she thanked me for taking her. It is rare that any of us will ever see the body this way. The bodies may have been aquired through tragedy they do serve a good purpose now, education. I must say that beef jerky would be the only thing that would have made it more interesting, well written.
#20 has to be the flakiest thing I've ever read. You're bulldozing over important ethical questions (both human and animal) by pointing to the souls in the happy hunting ground?
41, it is amazing to see, these bodies. But lets not kid ourselves, the bodies used in this exhibit are making someone money. It's not for education. It's capitalizing on the human fascination with death.
Has anyone ever seen the German horror flick "Anatomie" from 2000, starring Franke Potente (of Run Lola Run)? Or its sequel, "Anatomie 2"? They're about a bunch of anatomy students running around their university (which specializes in plasticisation) trying not to be turned into human mannequins.

The tagline from the poster is "They can't wait to get their hands on you. Your end is only the beginning. "

I think of those movies whenever I see the poor sliced-in-half dude on the billboards all over town.

Entertaining, yes, but not something you want to have been real life for anyone.
This just made my year. Laughed out loud and people at work looked at me, looking at balls, reading about mummified buttholes.

Trent!!! Very well done. The solitary butthole / teacup, away from its body is VICTORY.

I've been driving around town for I don't know how long, staring at the billboards waiting for them to go away, now I feel better. Now I feel like I've conquered it, knowing you were in there eating beef jerky. Haaaa.
I look forward every week to the Stranger. The article by Trent Moorman
made my week! Great insight, humor and imagination! Thanks for
the laughs and good insight. John Ryan
Trent - This was one of the funniest things I've read in a long time. I went to the exhibit last week, interesting, weird, and ethically disturbing. Big thanks for the continued laughs.
- Christian
Gee, another article on how crass one can get while spitting on the last human rights of a person.

Not cool.
Public display of mutilated corpses. It's disgusting and I am disturbed every time I see an advertisement on the sides of Metro buses. I can't believe it's legal and people pay to go see it.
Trent, take care around your "woman friend." She's fucking frightening.
Great style, Trent.
Pat Boone is a sad little caricature of a man, looking for validation on a liberal webforum.

and i'm sure he never "fought a dictator" or faced an enemy soldier in his entire, uneventful life.
I bet PatBoone never went sky diving either.
Great stuff Trent.

That's why I'd never go. A hall of state sponsored murder victims, posed for your enjoyment.

Almost as if a serial killer put on a neat little traveling display, and everybody came and gawked in wonder.

The Teriyaki jerky, haha, beyond wrong :)

Maybe in the future, when China rules the world, some of us will be lucky enough to be exhibited in this little traveling roadshow of death.

"Oh look, Caucasian! I give no thought to source of this body, but surely must be from one of China's glorious overseas battlezones..."

After going to bodies, I went to Licorous and had a lamb shank. My date was TOTALLY grossed out as I sucked the marrow out of the bone.
Looks like Buffalo Bill's leftovers...

Put the lotion in the basket!
ohhh edgy.
You guys make me laugh so hard. Something that has gone around the world and been appreciated by millions, comes to seattle and the take on it is the same old weak take seattle does on everything: make fun of it, sexualize it and then try to top the gross-out angle. You're like dogs with a dictionary in that you do this because you do not understand anything intellectual. I know you really wanted to break in the exhibit and suck it hard, for real. That's the fetish that drinking antifreeze will get you, apparently.
Bahahahaha! This article made me laugh so hard. I used to work there (briefly), and at one time or another shared about every thought you experienced while going through the exhibit. ALL THE BALLS!!!
And you'd be surprised how many people mentioned a hankering for beef jerky to me, or just how generally hungry they had gotten as they and their dates strolled around looking at corpses.
The best part was all the jack asses who tried to shake hands with the whole skeleton near the entrance. I'm like, 'C'mon guys. He was alive at one point, and would probably bitch slap your disrespectful little ass now if he could'.
Premier exhibitions: a morally bankrupt company, and possibly one of the worst employers I've ever had. Good times...

I was so moved by this article that I decided to undertake my own "Trent Moorman Bodies Challenge" and report it here. My experience was as follows:

Purchased honey bbq jerky product meat stick and put it in the left inside pocket of my jacket as I entered the exhibit. I was really nervous they were going catch me. I overheard 2 other people in line talking about this article and was pretty sure they were jerky sneaking.

I got in with meat product undetected and like Trent had much difficulty finding a place to nibble. There were many a watchful eye. When my chance came to enact the jerky, I was next to the 'meat and cheese plate without the cheese' body. I quietly unwrapped the meat product, but just couldn't do it. I was too grossed out. I failed at this part of the challenge. My friends laughed at me the rest of our trip.

I couldn't get Trent's scenario of the peasant stealing the pear out of my head.

The Lone Butthole was an enormous highlight of the journey. Dartman had a big crowd. More people talking about this article there. The merchandise yes, a black hole of wrong.

For the post exhibit festivities, I wanted to try to up Trent's upping of the ante and go with McDonalds Chicken McNuggets. I am not a McDonalds eater so this was broadening for me. I was able to eat 5 full McNuggets. I weakly did so. Heavy amounts of Sweet and Sour sauce were needed. Ronald is evil.

I did not sleep so well that night. I still have my uneaten jerky stick. Thank you.
Really like the article. Funny and well written but also very judgmental. Also, a scientific curiosity and a desire to see the inner workings of the human body does not equate to a lack of morality. Where else as a high school student am I supposed to see the human anatomy in this regard? (and no cracks about this please :P) Also, don't just assume that I'm okay with abortion because I'm okay with the use of the human body after death for scientific and educational purposes. It just makes you seem like another idiot who doesn't know his lone butthole from a hole in the wall.
@ 62, this isn't bodies being used for education. This is unclaimed bodies being used to make Premier Co. money.
Yeah...don't care what happens to my body after I'm done with it. I wouldn't mind my body trying to hit a triple-20 for all eternity.
Trent's article should be required reading before anyone purchases a ticket to this morally reprehensible rip-off.
I saw one of the Titanic exhibits a while back. They had someone's spectacles on display. It was very eerie. Like this "lone butthole".

I had a group of friends say they were going to go to Bodies and sneak jerky in. Looks like Moorman has created a thing.
"We wandered on and came, at last, to the lone butthole."

This happens to me like once a day.
I've been seeing fibulas since this came out. I'd say well done but I don't know.
I think I'll have a salad now.
@23 - talk about a fucking bore. You don't know me, you don't know my life. Maybe you've also lived in multiple cities in multiple countries and have also surmounted the fear of too much difference. Maybe you're queer, poly, and kinky too, and have had as much experience of passion and risk and humour and beauty and life has I have. Maybe.

I "turn up my nose at things I think are below me"? No, I just recognise pretentious twaddle when I see it. Please, do tell me just what is "beautiful" about eating frigging jerky in that context. As for judging, yeah, there's a nice bout of pot vs kettle going on that you need to check out.
...and to clarify, I don't think the article as a whole is pretentious twaddle. Just the jerky part.
Trix, so because you're queer poly, kinky, and think you've experienced a bunch of things, you think that gives you the right to be an asshole. There's already an asshole that's been written about in this article, lets not add to that number.

You are exactly what is wrong with the world. You, my boring asshole, are the pretentious twaddle.
@72- That's exactly what I was thinking.
@72 - That's exactly what I was thinking.
Ew. But more like turkey jerky, if I remember correctly from when I saw Bodies in Las Vegas awhile back.
A group of concerned Seattle Citizens will soon be presenting an appeal to Seattle City Council to quickly join San Francisco, the State of California, Hawaii which have all banned the Bodies Exhibit. The Seattle exhibit has been forced to post a disclaimer that the Exhibitor the cadavers displayed were obtained through the Chinese Police as unclaimed bodies and have no documentation who these people were in life. The Exhibitor cannot disprove these vulgarly displayed cadavers were not political prisoner, were not tortured and were not executed. Contact each City Council Member to express your support to ban the Bodies Exhibition and to close the doors of the current showing.
The website for Bodies: The Exhibition states that the bodies, "...died from natural causes. However, in a number of cases throughout the exhibition, our medical director has been able to identify the obvious medical problems that the specimen suffered from, and, where appropriate, it is so indicated." Furthermore, many medical specimens in the United States are, in fact, unidentified bodies. "Every state requires that unclaimed bodies first be offered to the largest medical school or a special office that distributes the bodies to schools of medicine, dentistry, physical therapy, mortuary science or others that use cadavers."

Maybe the specimens in this exhibit did come from prisons. Maybe they were homeless people who died after stumbling to the hospital. Maybe they died old and alone with no identification and loss of memory from Alzheimer's. Maybe maybe maybe. The fact is, the company itself states that the bodies on display have all been examined for any unnatural causes of death and any bodies not dead from natural causes are not in the exhibit. Also, none of these bodies had any locatable next of kin who could dispose of their remains, so the fantasy of a family mourning the desecration of their loved-one is unlikely.

I find this article to be juvenile and sloppily-written; touting rumor as if it is fact, breaking the rules of the establishment, and possessing of an intense fixation on testicles. I thought the exhibit was tastefully done and I recommended it to all of my friends. I'm thankful that I was able to see such incredible detail about the body's inner workings and I'm sad the exhibit was only here for a limited time. I have some family coming up to visit this summer and, according to an employee I spoke to during my visit, the exhibit won't be in town after the end of the month, so they won't be able to see it.
All this, very interesting. All debatable. I'm just not ok with dead bodies on display who didn't give permission while they were alive, making money for someone else. Isn't that inherently wrong? Or on a high level of wrong as Moorman posits.

& 77, Moorman never says any of this is fact, it's all "alleged". Your reading comprehension seems lacking.
Is this supposed to make us feel better? Ugh:

"All the bodies were obtained through the Dalian Medical University Plastination Laboratories in the People's Republic of China. Asia possesses the largest and most highly competent group of dissectors in the world, and they are highly skilled in preparing the bodies for educational and scientific purposes."
Great article and picture,Trent - Marlon
My favorite Stranger article I've ever read.

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