Film/TV Nov 1, 2023 at 6:00 am

Chocolate Popcorn! Chocolate Popcorn! Chocolate Popcorn!

It's baaaaaack. Courtesy of SIFF



Reserved seating isn't a surprise, but it would be nice if they had some free open house first so that people could get a sense of where they like to sit. Also, I'm curious if they'll have variable pricing depending on where the seat is.


I hear that if you tip the usher, you can get variable seat pricing


Am I the only person who doesn't like the smell of chocolate popcorn permeating the entire theater? It's sensory overload.


@3/DOUG. I don’t prefer the chocolate popcorn scent - there were many times I declined dates & events at Cinerama so I didn’t have to inhale chocolate along with their stuffy ventilation. Also don’t prefer the stickiness it seemed to leave all over but people turned a blind eye to because hey, chocolate popcorn!


One of the few places that could get me to come back to Seattle.

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