Food & Drink Oct 28, 2022 at 10:51 am

I've Never Felt So Centered After Drinking a Cup o' Joe

Your results may vary. CROUTON



I like everything about this except the NFT. They're already asking for your email address, so this would work just fine with a Plain Old Database. Or even an excel spreadsheet. There's no need to wedge crypto bullshit into this.


Never made sense to me that nature is criminalized. I can go buy a gallon of bleach and drink it if I want but the government getting all anal about plants, roots, and fungi doesn't compute.


if only the Sacklers'd
pushed this Wonderdrug
instead of all those Opiods

perhaps this Planet'd
be Eminently more

not that that has
Anything to do
with Profit-

and living
like Royalty.


Thank you Jody!
and Thank you Jas.

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