Guest Rant Sep 14, 2023 at 9:00 am

Reflections on the Fight for Human Rights One Year After Mahsa Zhina Amini

September 16 marks the first anniversary of Mahsa Amini's murder. Apu Gomes / GETTY



Perhaps you could also pull hard for issues that are actually existentially important, like affordable housing, rent control, workplace protections, thriving wages, and affordable healthcare. Assault weapons have never been a threat to Washingtonians (handguns are a bigger problem, but you aren't doing anything about that are you), abortion has been protected here since before Roe v. Wade was decided the first time around, and no one gives a shit about data collection going on through the fiefdoms of the Middle East because the NSA is already reading everyone's emails anyways. Sounds to me like you just want to make a bunch of noise and get some attention on yourself for... what, exactly? Accomplishing nothing particularly impressive other than getting elected as a token ethnic minority Democrat in a safe district? Congratulations.

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