Steven Weissman



The nice thing about masks is that you can control the most important actor in any social scenario - yourself! No need to be such a busybody about other peoples facial dressings, mask up!


Not so. Remember the metaphor with the pants? If someone tries to pee on you, it makes a much bigger difference whether they are wearing pants, rather than whether you are.
If that's too weird, just think about spit. If someone spits on you, it's a bit better if you are wearing a mask (though no guarantee it will land on the part of your face covered by the mask) but if someone tries to spit on you while wearing a mask, it will get caught in the mask. Easier to prevent things closer to the source.


Sanctimonious much? Wear a mask yourself. It has been shown to help decrease transmission. @2 The pee metaphor really doesn't work that well with an airborne virus. Air is not a liquid. Go back to physics.


Say it with me one more time, class:

"YOUR mask protects ME. MY mask protects YOU."

It's not rocket science. After nearly three years, why do so many people still (pretend to) not get this?


What a yesteryear rant.


@4 I know, right? I'm half expecting someone to tell us all to stop coddling our immune systems - they are doing us a favor by blowing their filthy snot all over the place. No pain, no gain!

@3 Hey Dr. Germ Theory, individual virus particles won't get you sick. Its droplets of liquid snot, too small to see but big enough to hold millions (and to be caught by a mask) that'll do the job. I bet you don't scoop your dog's shit either.


Good lord you all are so preachy. It's really unattractive and alienating.


@2, N95s are quite effective at filtering out particles. Certainly a better option than coercing a non-cooperative stranger to change their behavior. Or maybe you just like talking about pee and spit.


"you worry about you and I'll worry about me" is solid advice for people living in a vacuum.


put on a freakin mask
you sicko dingbats!

(spent a half hour at Bartells/Wrong-Aid waiting for a prescription—three unmasked coughers within earshot/lungshot—oy)


Sometimes folks sneeze because of dust, sometimes folks cough because they're smokers.


@14 - are you seriously considering that Bartells gives a fuck about any of their customers? Have you been in one lately?


"... but if someone tries to
spit on you while wearing a mask,
it will get caught in the mask." --@from above

let's hope if they're stupid enough to spit with a mask on they likely Deserve it and Definitely should NOT be allowed to Reproduce. just kidding (about the former).

but damn!
if only one'd been
wearing one's Goggles too
a Helmet I believe being Overkill

'!six feet apart!'
precisely the length
of this cattle prod pard
keep thine Sneezes to thyself

Please? THANKS! We
Really Appreciate it!


@donna -- when ya got
all those Orifices plugged up
so no germs can get In, how does
one get much Air? what am I Missing?

(of all the things I've Lost
I miss my Mind the Most)

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