Music Jul 24, 2023 at 12:35 pm

Taylor Swift Stopped by Seattle to Visit the 140,000 Children She Helped Raise

Hi, mom! đź‘‹ Brittne Lunniss



I wonder how many of our unhoused neighbors could have been housed for the amount of $ this cost? I guess some expenses are more equal than others.


If Taylor Swift is able to get people to shell out that kind of money to see her show, then good for her.
I wonder though; how many of the people who went to this concert are also crying about having to pay their student loans.


what an Amazing
Rock and Roll Story
Hannah! and it's Awesome
you're Here to Share it with us.

I for one
Thank you.

saddling one's Future to a lifetime of Usury
in exchange for an Education is a
model all thinking countries
abandoned Eons ago

but at least we can Blame
Our loan recipients for
being lazy Moral

totes Unlike those receiving
Billions in PPP "loans"
most Quickly

America's priorities
are All Fucked Up.


"watched from their stadium-view apartments"
What if "journalists" will actually read the links they are referring to? This is stadium suite, not apartment with view.


Shouldn't we have nothing but contempt for scum who waste $1600 that could have been spent helping our unhoused neighbors on trivial entertainment?


No one was forced
to saddle their future to
A Lifetime of debt aS they chose
to take the debt On
of their own
free will
Biden’s relief pLaN
NoThing to fix the ProbLeM that
Caused the debt
So was noThing more than
Buying scheme
One that was sure to succeed
Or not he was ever able
Pay out.
Simply blame the Evil and greedy fascist


wow. so hannah is a snippy, sour bitch about everything. except taylor swift. then she gushes. how utterly basic!

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