Music Mar 15, 2024 at 10:00 am

No, a Podcast Dedicated to Kurt Cobain's Favorite Records in 2024 Isn't Redundant. I'm as Surprised as You Are.

Dusty Henry (left) and Martin Douglas really love Nirvana. Kay Redden



In this vintage heart of mine I believe Kurt Cobain would have been for a Free Palestine.

(post I saw on social media)




As a musician, I’ve drawn inspiration from many great players that came before me, but I’d never presume to speak on their behalf.


@2 the statement is not speaking for him, it's stating a belief (or opinion), which is obviously irrelevant as he's dead and has been dead a long, long time.

Also, I saw it on social media and shared it here, solely because I share the same sentiment.


Reposting what someone else said aside…
By projecting your values and beliefs onto him, you are in essence speaking for him, or at least attempting to do so.

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