News Jul 7, 2023 at 6:17 pm

SPD Increases Patrols, Gets Jail Restrictions Lifted, Uses SVU Detectives to Sweep Homeless ahead of MLB All-Star Game

SPD constantly complains about short staffing, and yet today they tapped two SVU detectives to sweep one guy in SODO. LESTER BLACK



We should have an All-Star game every week.


‘King County Public Defender Director Anita Khandelwal said Friday that lifting booking restrictions based on geography seems “deeply arbitrary.”’

So, 100,000+ persons — more than one-eighth the population of the entire city — are expected to pack into the Stadium District, C/ID, Pioneer Square, and northern SoDo on a hot summer night — neighborhoods with plenty of bars and clubs. But expecting larger numbers of arrests there is “deeply arbitrary”? Has this person ever been part of a crowd? In the United States?

“People should remember the example of three police officers moving one man in a tent…”

Because if that man had been Cordell Goosby at this time last month, not only would the police caution have been fully justified, Eina Kwon might still be alive.


@5 90% of the wretched cranks who post about these topics on Slog, anyhow.

If you want a place where the editorial policy sees the cops as the hammer for every nail, go hang out at in comment threads at the Seattle Times.


Who knew the staff of The Stranger were so easily triggered? This All-Star thing has really gotten under their skin.


Imagine getting upset about trying to protect the businesses whose safety helps pay for everything through taxes. Now imagine trying to shit on all of them but still expecting the gravy train to continue.


@12: Late-stage Capitalism (or neoliberalism) is plausible lens to view our inability to even imagine robust social services. In the mean time cops are the hammer we got, @6.


It continues to be completely bizarre that The Stranger has decided that the single most important thing the City of Seattle can do is accommodate homeless encampments, and that all other priorities are secondary.


@6: If you dare remember the November 2021 elections in Seattle, you know sweeping encampments was a big winner, as were prosecuting criminals. and not defunding the police.


@18 the concern is that there is enough labor to keep it safe for the guards and personnel. The inhabitants are not typically nice people, and they understand leverage.


@17 it’s gross that you want “the market” to result in less press daylighting issues in Seattle and surrounds. You don’t have to agree with everything, but the erosion of journalism over the last 20 years allows powers of government, corporations and other forces to go unchecked. Not just the lost PI, but dozens of smaller papers have also gone under. Who else will let you crap all over their work in the comment section without a paying subscription?


@20: I can’t speak for @17, but my interpretation of that comment says, “The Stranger remains economicallyviable despite an editorial stance which seems very unpopular,” not that @17 wants a specific outcome.


Can't Seattle host a housing building sports event?

We get teams from all over the world to compete to build the most housing using pre-approved designs with points awarded for speed, livability, brew pub access, and e-bike storage, and we let them compete until 50,000 units are built in Seattle.

We can call it sportsbuilding, like sportsball, except it's good for Seattle and not tax-subsidized ...


Hopefully this is a catalyst for change. A focus on congregate shelters, a camping ban and law enforcement is the missing stick to go with the huge pile of carrots we provide that attract vagrants from across the region and country.

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