News Jun 4, 2024 at 11:00 am

Group Chat also Reveals SPD Leadership Called Racial Discrimination Claims a Way to “Get Paid on Way Out”

😖 Anthony Keo



Someone at the Stranger should do an FOI request for emails and work product from the Managed Risk Demand debacle that Brian Maxey set a shitload of money on fire for.


It's like people don't believe that being a racist POS is a REQUIREMENT to be employed as a cop.


Interesting insight into exactly how a decade of plodding reform seems to have gone nowhere. How does Seattle proceed from here?

I’d also like to know why some elements in the SPD seem to regard the very presence of demonstrators in downtown, Belltown, and Capitol Hill to be an offense requiring immediate and sadistically violent punishment, whilst demonstrations on the same topics elsewhere in the city receive quietly respectful protection from the SPD.


All of this sounds like internal HR problems within the SPD. The consent decree is primarily about bias and the use of force by the PD against members of the public.

Perhaps Oftelie is just trying to avoid mission creep. Now that there's a monitor, everyone is knocking on his door with unrelated gripes.

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