We're all so fucked if this man becomes president. Jeff Swensen | Getty



Some dude brings two loaded pistols to a concert venue and you accuse cops of "making up" charges? Go back to Florida, Will.




Real estate developers and chambers of commerce are mad people aren't wasting time slogging (heh) hours to and from work to sit in their shitty commercial spaces, so naturally they are going to gaslight remote workers.


Jesus Christ, you guys. Biden is about to cancel $300 BILLION worth of student loan debt (he’s already canceled $32B) but all you can do is complain and make ageist remarks. The all-or-nothing attitude of the Left is so gross. Unless we win everything, we act as if we’ve won nothing. The older I get, the more childish it seems.


$10k of student loan relief is pretty nice from where I am sitting


Unforeseen consequences, meet forgiving $10k of student loan debt.


@4, I agree, even though I thought he should erase it all. I'm not aware of any other president who has erased any student loan debt. It's a win. It's not ideal but it's a win and it doesn't have to be the end of the issue. So, yeah, shut the fuck up for a while, complainers.

How about put some of your energy from your incessant need to infight into stopping the Reich Wing from taking over all the school boards instead. You think students and the educational system are fucked now?


It amazes me how angry some people are at the cancellation of student debt yet don't care at all about all of the welfare corporations get, have gotten, continue to get, and will always get to the tune of literally HUNDREDS OF TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS, all so they can hoard wealth, have CEOs worth tens of BILLIONS of dollars while no one in this country working for minimum wage can afford an apartment in any of the fifty states. Why is this country so delusional? Why do the masses cum for the wealthy and vilify the poor when the masses are, and always will be, far closer to the poor than ever remotely being like the obscenely wealthy?

Biden has kept some of his promises. Cancelling student debt was one of them. If he simply chose to be a one term president and and just focus on getting whatever he could get done, done, this country might be in a some sort of semblance of non-shambles when his term is over.

Saying Biden should not be president for a second term is not ageist or gross. It is literally the most progressive thing he could do as the sitting president. If all presidents were limited to one term and all members of Congress were term limited as well, we could possible have a functional government instead of the absurd shit show we have where the only agendas that exist are getting re-elected, hoarding as much wealth as possible, and making sure nothing ever gets done.

The left is gross? Reagan literally had dementia and the Republicans covered for him. George W. Bush lied to the world and started a decades long war for no other reason than he was mad at what happened to his daddy when his daddy was president. Donald Trump is literally a traitor and the most vile human being on the face of the earth in every conceivable way and Republicans have and continue to rally around him, give him money, and allow him to have power over their party like he is the second coming of Jesus Christ. The conservative wing of this country is a fucking insane asylum of sociopaths and psychopaths who commit crimes daily, incite violence daily, and want almost everyone in this country dead by the most extreme, horrific means possible (if they aren't willing to be slaves to the wealth owners for as little pay as possible and not expect housing, food, education, health care or anything else). The left is not gross. The alt-right is a vile and revolting rotting dead corpse. That's gross.


Biden had to walk a very fine line on this issue, and I think he did a decent job of it. But it's valid to ask why it took him a year and a half, since he's basically just fulfilling his campaign promise.

P.S. Ask the nearest boomer if the name "Max Frost" rings a bell.


@10 - "Reagan literally had dementia and the Republicans covered for him"

Biden has dementia and it's all out in the open. We've progressed.


@ 13...
Pot, meet kettle.


Biden (and spouse Jill) have at least shown compassion for American citizens. It’s genuinely questionable whether Reagan (and Nancy) ever did!


You can always count on two things in the Slog comments besides terrible poetry: Xina's latest end-of-the-world cluck cluck clucking, and Raindrop's dull-as-dishwater attempts at trolling.


@15- as to Reagan, you’ll have to enlighten me as to why you think he even “questionably” gave a fuck about the American people.

And I wonder if some of these employers are going to wind up lending support to the idea that commuting costs and time are compensable?


Person, woman, man, camera, TV


@17: Unless you're one of those who think the American people don't know what's best for them, the answer is a resounding "YES!" given Reagan's historic landslide re-election in 1984. As well as Bush's riding the coattails to an easy victory in 1988. Not saying you're "wrong" - just that you have to take into account the actual disposition of the electorate at the time.


That banner picture of DeSantis is one of him accepting an award from the Country Music Hall of Fame for being Lefty Frizzell’s favorite cowbeller/fluffer. “How ol’ Lefty used to love the sight of jizz dribbling down my chin,” DeSantis shares with the audience. “I would always be a little ashamed when we finished,” DeSantis continues, “but ol’ Lefty pouring a Jack for both of us saying it was OK ‘cause we was lonely and we always prayed afterwards.”


@10, not sure why you willfully misinterpreted what I wrote (I didn’t say the left was gross, I said their inability to celebrate and understand the value of incremental progress was gross; I didn’t say not supporting Biden for a second term was ageist, I said using terms like “grandpa” in a derogatory fashion was), but for the most part I agree with the rest of your tirade. So I guess it’s fine.


"Why do the masses cum for the wealthy and vilify the poor when the masses are, and always will be, far closer to the poor than ever remotely being like the obscenely wealthy?"

a Bizarre conundrum Indeed, xina
the Wealthy have Spokespersons
that tamp down all Dissension
re Loving the Rich and Wor-
shipping their table scraps
which the Bottom 90%
can fucking Fight over

we have some here

"Unqualified good news: The Seattle Times reports that hospital care just became free or much less expensive for roughly half of Washingtonians."

butwhattabout all those people
having already Paid thru the Nose
and/or since having Lost their Domicile?

will they not get a Refund?


@Bauhaus I



'funny' you should Mention it
I have a few Babel fish*
available not cheaply
duh but you cum
here for a

try 'em in your ears 1st and
in your eyes if that don't work


@21 I think you should go back and relook at history. It's easy to paint Reagan as some bumbling fool but at the time the country was mired in a massive recession, inflation was rampant and our international policy was a complete joke. If anything gave rise to Reagan it was the complete failure of the Carter administration.

Reagan wasn't perfect but he appointed the first female supreme court justice, helped to end the cold war and bring about the reunification of Germany and he worked with Congress to pass bilateral immigration reform. Today Reagan would probably be considered a moderate Dem.


@25, Reagan a moderate Dem? Please! YOU need to go back and learn some fucking history. You are clearly delusional. I don't even know where to begin or how to respond to such fantasy.

Reagan sold weapons to our enemies and negotiated with terrorists. Al Quaeda exists SOLELY because of Reagan! He openly and proudly and loudly supported South African apartheid (and that racist mentally infected all of his administration's polices regarding Black people in this country). He also loudly and proudly supported brutal dictators (much like Trump, though Reagan didn't like brutal dictators he thought were communists).

The deficit was $50 Billion under Carter. Under Reagan it ballooned to $200 Billion.
Unemployment peaked at 10.8% in the middle of his presidency.
He robbed social security to fund his budget shortfalls.

He gutted social services and dismantled mental health care nationwide (leading to explosions in homelessness and crime - and prison populations full of mentally ill people), he allowed hundreds of thousands to die from AIDS because he hated gay people and thought they deserved to die and allowed who knows how many more to die through blood infected with HIV to be given to hemophiliacs (remember Ryan White, he was just one, and people only remember him because he was child);

his administration was one of the most corrupt, if not the most corrupt in history (138 members of his administration were investigated, indicted, or convicted, but I would bet that Trump's administration was more corrupt, just hasn't been held accountable), he fired 11,000 air traffic controllers when they wouldn't return from work after going on strike (effectively destroying the labor movement and the strength of unions in the United States), he did everything possible to neuter the federal government, including gutting the FDA (formerly one of the strongest regulatory agencies in the country), the EPA, the Department of Justice, the Department of Health and Human Services, OSHA (which led to who knows how many work related deaths);

his economic policies and tax cuts effectively decreased the middle class and further stole untold wealth from the working poor and gave it to the top (still happening today, worse with Trump's policies), increased the defense budget by over $113 BILLION between 1980 and 1985;

he championed the destruction of public schools and was one of the strongest deniers of science (not just regarding climate change, but also by being a creationist and religious zealot and enabling those like him with power);

the list literally goes on and on and on and on and on.

FFS it is no wonder this country is so fucked! The people in it literally know nothing, remember less, and believe the only moment that exists is right now like there has been nothing that happened before that has led us to this moment.


I never thought I'd say this but: Biden is fucking brilliant.

Biden knows the incompetent traitorous Taliban in Congress and on SCOTUS are going to challenge this. If he had gone for the whole shebang all at once he would have shot his wad early.

So he's going to let that play out. He'll take another swipe and another and another and let the challenges mount up. This way he chews up their bandwidth. Make the GOP and their cohort of lunatics look very bad. And himself look for very good in eyes of the young electorate that he needs to turn out.

He will keep chipping away at the Student Loan crisis 10K here 20K there a little at a time to keep it going until the mid-terms and into 2024. This was the way to do it. Politically. Economically. Strategically.

And anyone who can't see that is fucking idiot.


"... Reagan wasn't perfect but "

Hahahahaha. Carter was still dealing from the oil embargoes, dipshit.

Reagan supply-side scam was a disaster. What eventually lowered inflation was monetary policy by Paul Volcker ( a whopping 13% interest rate hike) not Reagan. Government spending still grew under Regan with a massive 35% increase to the defense budget. Reagan's budgets tripled the national debt from $998 billion at the end of Carter's last budget to $2.9 trillion at the end of Reagan's final budget. Privately held federal debt increased from 22% to 38% of GDP. And I guess we forget the saving and loan crisis which added another $125 billion in debt and Reagan let those fuckers walk.

Reagan supply-side scam CAUSED massive unemployment - 10.8% in 1982. The lowest unemployment got was 6.6%. And that was because unions got busted right and left and real wages FELL for the first time in twenty five years.

Sure GDP grew because the fucking oil embargo ended and the Regan put the nation into debt. GDP looks great when you do not pay your fucking bills.

Reagan supported virtual serial killers who murdered god damned nuns in Central America and nearly bankrupted the nation with idiotic scams like Star Wars.


well yeah
all that's True
but ronnyraygun
was Handsome af

plus made us all feel Good if
ya don't count the Misery
he spread over America
well All the Americas

but making the Planet
SAFE for Capitalism
is gonna involve a
smidgen of Collat-
eral Damage but
the Chambers of
Commerce are
ok with That.


You are so right, Will. We are all so fucked if the current incompetent dick-tator of Flori-dumb, Ron De Santis, ever takes over the White House. The Orange Turd has done enough reprehensible damage to last into the next century.

Thank you and bless you, schmacky, Brent, STII, dvs99, xina, kristofarian, Bauhaus I, pat L, drewl2, CKathes, blip, and Roger. Bravo! I have nothing more to add. You all nailed it.

Ronald "Mr. Cue Card" Reagan was an eight year disaster, starting with his tax cuts for the rich and deregulating banks. Ronny Raygun is the same idiot who wanted to do away with food stamps and declared ketchup as a vegetable. Ever the homophobe, Reagan looked the other way at the onset of the AIDS epidemic, like the Orange Turd's willful inactions at the onset of COVID-19. In each case, millions of lives were senselessly lost.
Ronald Reagan and his Wall Street cronies paved the way for the self serving narcissistic global threat that is the Orange Turd.

May 2022 spell the death of the GOP, their enablers, loyalists, and MAGAts too fucking stupid to wise up to the Orange Turd's neofascist propaganda. Suck it and choke, RepubliKKKan RWNJs and balding, fat, white male incels!


@4 The thing is, though, that the moderates have no incentive to pass any meaningful legislation without the base calling for much more, and backing it up with primary challenges.

Republican hardliners figured that out decades ago, and they've had considerable success with it, too.


@10 and @27 xina: YESSSSSS!!!!

@13: Try not to fall in when you flush, Elmer. Puget Sound already has more than its fair share of toxic waste.


@32 magabot : Are you rooming with Elmer @13 and District13Refuse @25 by any chance? Are all three of you marching in oblivious lockstep on to endless war like der Gropenfuhrer's little white supremacist soldiers?
Why are you celebrating the continued unscrupulous actions of known heartless criminals? Wake UP!! The entire GOP is totally unfit to govern, and you're calling these heartless misogynist, racist, homophobic traitors and batshit crazy RWNJs a success story. Stop mistaking Fox TeeVee for a reliable news source. If your buttcrack is deeper than the Grand Canyon and you STILL can't pull your head out, you have a serious problem.


@19: That's right, Elmer. Keep telling yourself that. Too chickenshit to ever admit that you and all your fellow blindsided RepubliKKKan voting sheeple fucked up our country in 1980, 1984, 1988, 2000, 2004, and 2016, huh?
Do you ever manage to crawl out of your little dark hole for air once in a while?


"Allowing employees to avoid contracting the plague while in the office is a benefit to the employer......"
Good luck getting any of the current generation to understand this. When I began my working career some 55 years ago, it was expected that if an employer need to train HIS employees to do HIS work, HE needed to PAY them for the time spend undergoing the training.

More or less in the middle of my career, that switched to employers conning the government into thinking it was the GOVERNMENT'S responsibility to pay for the training.

These days, the Republicans have conned the electorate into thinking it is the EMPLOYEE'S responsibility to pay for the knowledge the EMPLOYER is selling about how to work in his plant & make HIM HIS money.

I figure that, shortly after I die, they will sell people on the idea that workers need to pay TO work, rather than getting paid FOR working.

And people think TRUMP is stupid.

@4, Yeah, stupid, right?

@10, again, I ask people to do the math. The tax cut Trump & McConnell gave corporations & the rich was not a 15% tax cut. It was a 43% cut. The math was NOT 35%-20%=15%. It's (35%-20%)/35%=42.8% But everyone saw it as the 15% cut the way they sold it.

How'd you like to get YOUR taxes cut in (43%) half? Stupid, right?


In other words, if a prospective employer wants you to pay for training, tell him to stick his job where the sun don't shine. If someone offers you a job as an UNPAID intern, tell them to stick it.


Auntie, going ballistic when others have different opinions just makes you look childish.


@38, but unfortunately she's right. She just needs to attack the disasters of the past rather than the people of the present.


@37: Self employment, anyone? That works for me.

@38: Childish? Pot, meet kettle. Hit ya where it hurt again did, I, Elmer? Oh, that's right. You're still at the 5th grade reading level. Well, there's always night school. Maybe in five more years you can finally graduate from the 6th grade.

@39: Read my comments again, Bugs. I think you missed some factual details I listed about the Reagan Administration as well as the Orange Turd's Nutzy Regime.

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