

"the white supremacist group Patriot Front marched through Washington, D.C. wearing masks"

And every single one of them cried and wailed and gnashed their teeth when they were asked to mask up in stores the last few years.


“So, how much taxpayer money has Seattle wasted on this? A cool $770,000 in attorney fees plus this settlement puts the number at just over $3 million.”

Meanwhile, as reported by the Times in the very same linked story, another lawsuit against the city, by business owners over the CHOP, cost the city even more to settle. But the Stranger regards the CHOP as sacrosanct, so there.

The Stranger really, really needs to let this matter go, already.


"Eds note: Should have seen this coming. Never seen anyone so thirsty for TV news coverage in my life."

Coverage is your job, doesn't matter whether you think they're thirsty or not.


White pride marches are much more entertaining and appropriate with a musical accompaniment.


cops created chop


an underwater B&B?
why? may as well be in a
shipping container. where's
all the fucking WINDOWS. you're
in the Fucking REEF. show me the
fucking Fish* & an Ocean for $12H/night

*can we hand
feed the


@2.....Actually it was the CHAZ, Capital Hill Autonomous Zone. I remember seeing a sign stating: you are now leaving the United States and entering the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone. The occupiers soon realized that calling it autonomous didn't sound so good so they changed it to CHOP, Capital Hill Occupied Protest; that later morphed into Capital Hill Organized Protest. The changes remind me of the "Animal Farm" story where the rights of all animals were written. on the side of a barn but were continuously altered during the night to suit some political interests. No different than the January 6th insurrection.


"No different than
the January 6th

lotta Cops Died
for CHOP did


and yet
was Allowed
to take its Toll

on both Themselves
oh! & on those they were
tasked with Protecting & Serving

just a little
Collateral D?

'no different from
the Holocaust!'


"The lot at Lincoln Center can accommodate up to 20 vehicles. Yet, the fully funded $450,000-per-year program can't find an organization to operate the lot."

That works out to $1875 per month for each RV. That's slightly less than the median rent in Seattle. What's the point of spending that much on a parking space with few amenities, when that same funding could be used for permanent market-rate housing?


@11.....No, Kristofarian, no cops were killed; there were no cops to kill. The CHAZ protesters assaulted the police by throwing things at them, including fireworks; they also organized a "no cops co-op. For their own safety the cops had to pull back. The protesters did manage do commit acts of intimidation of residents as well as theft and vandalism; they did a smash up job of trashing the Neighbors Nightclub. They did manage to kill a couple of people though.


@11, @14: Specifically, at least two young Black men died violently in the CHAZ/CHOP. The irony of young Black men dying due to a lack of police at a BLM event was lost on nobody (except @11, of course).


@13 Even if housing was created at a lower cost that median rent, you still would have to pay for things like utilities & property management (things I assume are included in this $450k number). You would also still need to figure out what to do with people's vehicles - junk them? Sell them? Park them somewhere? I'm guessing people would not be lining up to give up their homes.

$450k isn't so bad considering you can't barely buy one condo for that, much less 20 - just think of what we could do if we didn't have to pay $3M for our wealthy former Mayor's total disregard for the law!


@13 It's not just rent, it's also the cost of social workers to help people get permanent housing and back to being productive members of society.


@17: buy 6 condos? fund 1/20th of a small apartment building?

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