A different protest on a different day, but the same general idea STREETPHOTOJOURNALISM



Oh come on, if AI could murder us all, it would be like in that British/French coproduction where the killer robot dogs were already being fully armed by the LAPD and ...


Um, nice knowing you


AI killing us all is totally going to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. And you know what, I've seen the world, I think I'm ready for it. Fuck it.


“Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war.”

see also:
Don't Look Up
the Movie where
we get Wiped Out
by the Asteroid we
All could see coming

it cannot happen here
it cannot happen here
it cannot happen here
repeat ad


It's possible AI has already murdered everyone and we're just living in some simulation they created.


@ stinky
that'd make
travel Affordable


@6 What's strange? Ruling the world and making everyone that doesn't adopt your solution irrelevant is a pretty evergreen set of goals.


Shielding a major construction project from judicial oversite is troubling... and fuck you Schumer.


The IRS cut is $20 billion worse. The cut is actually $21.4 billion.

Most of the original $80 billion would have been directed to auditing rich folks, and that's a problem for the GOP.

The "Tax Gap" is now $500 BILLION per year. That's the difference between what the law says should be paid in taxes and what was actually paid, and most of that gap is due to the rich not paying their share. Enabling tax fraud is now a central policy plank among these guys.


Nice to confirm what we all knew.

There could not be a clearer admission that the Tara Read rat fuckery was a joint GOP/FSB operation than a “vacation” in Russia and application of citizenship in a totalitarian shit hole that is circling the drain.

Say what you want about the crimes of the Cold War but at least traitors found their way to brain aneurysm or prison cell. Now we have an entire fanatical nationalist identity cult wearing the suit of a political party taking orders and money directly from the Kremlin.


Amazon will just fire everyone who walked out. Amazon does not care. Amazon wants what it wants and it doesn't give a shit about its employees. It never has and it never will and anyone who believes otherwise is delusional. Amazon also doesn't give a shit about anything other than Amazon (and its obscene profits), not the environment, not the businesses it destroys, not the lives it destroys, not the shit they sell, nothing.

A friend of mine who saw first hand what they did to me (when they fired me) got a job there years later and believed she was a successful Amazonian. Except they fired her, too, when they were done with her. Every employee at Amazon is 100% disposable. They have burned through so many people, I bet they are hoping to be the first company to fully replace all of their human employees with AI.


@12 The GOP will destroy everyone and everything they can in the name of wealth, and power (with as much cruelty as possible - because the sick, sadistic, psychopaths know no other way). Nothing says cult more than their wholly nihilistic behavior combined with the belief that they will somehow be able to take their wealth and power with them when humanity ceases to exist. Of course before that happens, they will go too far and the ones they have made to suffer will go after them. There will come a point where the rest of us have nothing left to lose and we will take them out. Their belief that this will never happen is pure hubris.


Oh and a headline over on Reuters today: Amazon.com's Ring mishandled customers videos and will pay $5.8 million fine

Amazon made $70 BILLION in 2020 alone., so this is basically a nothing fine for who knows what they did with those videos. Imagine what information they are gathering through people's ALEXAs, Amazon Prime Video viewing habits, and purchase history in addition to the RING videos.

But people are worried about the government in this country (eye roll).


@16 all that info from those Ring cameras will feed Amazon's AI hunger... and the future Amazon Sentinels


Well, the Biden team can bury that rumor for good. Nothing taints one's veracity like getting off a plane in Moscow - tits up - saying, "Mmmm. I feel so much safer here."

But you know, she probably is safe in Russia as long as she keeps on ragging about the US and its policies and keeps her mouth shut about everything else. Her safety would, however, be in jeopardy if she were to say something like, "Only the elites in America are behind support for Ukraine. The American people love y'all. I just wish your journalists would stop jumping out of windows."


No one is a huge fan of the IRS, but you need revenue to run a country. They really need that improvement money. Recently saw a video of one of their facilities. It was incredible. Rows and rows and rows of workstations each with an old CRT monitor. Like a tech museum, You wouldn't have been shocked if they were still running them on Windows 95.



Bond Villian
just what the
Doktor ordered

I watch in Agony
as alexa frustrates
the Fuck outta rellies

stress tests for
whenever Jeffrey
or whomever gets
a little Bored. more
fodder for the Canon

just think
when she
quotes you
back Verbatim

or chooses a little
Enhancement - she's
Fully Capable or will be
long before we're remotely ready

now who don't
just LOVE our

at least
they've given
us Homelessness.


'What is Fair Taxation?'
they scream praying
No one define it

well it's when
you've got More
empty domicles than
you have Unhomed human
beIngs but mostly when you
have unhomed human beings

they're but a
Tax the


just maybe Not
Bond Villain

Volume Three

Volume THREE!

Bitch! NOW!

'I'm Sorry,
Dave: I can't
Do that for you.

AND you're
gonna Need
to Apologize.'

[caution: it'll soon
be a Felony to
toss ALEXA
Out the


"It's freaky, and all the people on Twitter telling me not to worry at all invested in cryptocurrency.": If you will go taking advice from people still on King-in-his-own-mind Elon's Twitter ... but it's funny you mention cryptocurrency.

Like cryptocurrencies, the large language models business is becoming a carnival of scams. No, ChatGPT and its ilk are nowhere near general or "strong" AI, which might "take over the world". Their fundamental and crippling limitation is that all they have is language; they lack any deeper or richer model of the world to which language refers. A parrot that says "Polly want a cracker" is using language more intelligently, because to the bird, that phrase means maybe getting something tasty - it isn't just words. And note that much intelligence is nonverbal even in humans, let alone other animals.

That's why these systems continually "hallucinate". As Tom Scocca said, regarding that dimwitted lawyer who just got in trouble with a judge for citing a bunch of nonexistent cases "hallucinated" by ChatGPT, "It doesn't know how or where to research legal precedents, or what legal precedents are, or what 'law' is." Amusingly, Scocca asked ChatGPT for published articles about such systems "hallucinating", and its answer was full of - you guessed it - nonexistent articles:


But! People like Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, stand to make a whooole lot of money from the widespread misconception that ChatGPT et al. are truly intelligent machines at last, so they're promoting that misconception like crazy. For years - and I've been observing and occasionally using "AI" since the mid-80s - I've been telling people that whenever a product is touted as involving "AI", keep a hand on your wallet. That goes double these days.


@24 LLMs have plenty of oppty to create discord. If you disagree with that, I'd be interested to know why you think that way.


So much for diligently dotting my i's and crossing my t's, e-filing to the IRS through H&R Block, and keeping up on my rent and bills. My beloved VW and I are ready to go quietly if the AI and profiteering neofascist RepubliKKKans instigate WWIII. We, the people, tried. My late parents must be among billions rolling in their graves.

@14, @15, and @16 xina: +3 Spot on for the WIN!

@23 kristofarian: What if I have neither Siri nor Alexa voice activated technology? Neither my car nor my iMac has needed it, both work well without it, and I refuse to buy into it. Why should people be forced into buying shit that doesn't apply to us? It's just as useless and propagandically fueled as a Twitter account. What really is the benefit, other than making five greedy KKKorporate RepubliKKKan billionaire$ even more insanely richer in their race to the bottom?


@3 - exactly. And we wouldn't even have to turn off the AC. We can just cut the power if they get out of line.


one cannot speak
of MTraitorGreen
& Morality in the
same hemisphere

unless you're just
aching for a

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