Pretty convenient that an ME or whatever the title of the person determining the cause of death, in the state that has generated the hate that instigated the girls beating Nex ALMOST to death to rule Nex's death a suicide.
I bet the next words we here are how we wouldn't want the lives of those three girls who attempted to murder someone, we wouldn't want THEIR lives ruined (just like all of the rapists who get away with their crimes because we wouldn't want THEIR lives ruined).
Any child killing themselves is a failure of the society in which that child lives. Our society is failing all of its children. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.
But, hey, our politicians want everyone to breed, want fetuses (even frozen embryos) to be called children, and for all of the children forced into the world to live in this hell. Who cares if they die or are murdered, as long as they are brought into existence as actual living, breathing, vulnerable babies and children before it happens.
Shit, the entire world is watching millions of children being starved to death ON PURPOSE in Palestine and so many other places in the world as I type this, what's one kid murdered in Oklahoma, am I right?
Xina, sorry but Benedict's death wasn't murder. Tragic, but not murder. It's unlikely the OK ME is fabricating a toxicology report.
"An early summary of the report indicated that the probable cause of death was the âcombined toxicityâ of diphenhydramine and fluoxetine, according to the New York Times. Diphenhydramine is an antihistamine found in allergy medications like Benadryl, while fluoxetine is an antidepressant medication commonly known as Prozac."
Where did Nex learn you could kill yourself with that drug cocktail? Probably on the Internet.
Ah, the irony of TS continues and no one on staff can see it.
1: Eastern Washington voters are stupid and shortsighted for cutting their nose to spite their face by supporting the capital gains tax cut!
2: Uncommitted got more votes than Amy Klobuchar in 2020! Way to show Genocide Joe!
If you canât see youâre being as stupid as the the MAGA folks in Eastern WashingtonâŚwell, what can anyone say to you?
& Thank YOU tS
and xina too!
and Others
as well for
the Neolibs
Cons & "Centrists"
of tS's commentariat're
seemingly just fucking Fine
with our steadily-increasing slide
into the Abyss of 'right'-wing fascism
If a couple of SLOG comments is all it takes to push you to the center, I have to question whether you were really any degree further to the left in the first place.
& Your point
if what HAMAS did
on 10/7/23 (& Yes it
WAS Horrific) was Genocide
which you've Flooded der Schlogg
with for the LAST FIVE MONTHS than
if That can be Defined as Genocide then
WhatevertheFuck Nutnyahoo's done to Gazans
and to the West Bankers is fucking Justified. my Answer?
The one thing you can always count on with regard to internet trolls is "show me the proof!" Even if you have shown and show it again they will deny, lie, and retry "show me the proof!" Why? Are you too stupid to find it yourself? If you disagree and believe "proof" will prove it, then YOU show the proof. Wouldn't that make more sense? Ah, but you don't have any, so there's that.
The next thing that trolls love to say is "your opinion is making me {insert whatever someone else's opinion is making you do}. It's like men who beat or murder (their child, their girlfriend, hell even their bosses, co-workers, kids going school, people at a concert, anyone simply for existing...) LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO! FFS take some responsibility for your own beliefs and behavior. If any comments on SLOG push your beliefs or behaviro one way or the other than that's pretty sad.
The ICJ told Israel exactly what it had to do to avoid committing genocide. Israel, instead, chose to do exactly everything on the list they were told NOT TO DO and MORE. So yeah, Israel is committing genocide. Starving millions of people to death is genocide. Destroying everything, all schools, libraries, hospitals, cultural centers, religious buildings, and most importantly, KILLING CHILDREN and pregnant women are acts of genocide. Don't like people using the word? Oh well, denial of reality doesn't make it cease to exist.
The United Nations Genocide Convention defines genocide as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group".
Israel has done all of the above and more. Israel is committing genocide and the United States' taxpayers are paying for all of it. So you don't give a shit about Palestinians being wiped off the face of the earth? Okay. You also don't care that the United States is providing money and weapons to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars? No? Don't care about that either? What, exactly, do you care about then? Democrats and the Biden Administration are violating U.S. law and international law by providing Israel with weapons while they are committing crimes of genocide. That a problem for you? No?
I guess the question becomes, what do you care about?
And just in case this needs to be made clear: that's a rhetorical question, one you get answer while looking at yourself in the mirror, because I don't care.
As for Nex, bullying someone to death (making their life a living hell enough to make them kill themselves) is murder. Don't believe me? Ask the girl who told her boyfriend to kill himself (she did with texts, right)? She's in prison. Those girls need to be held to account for their hate crime and the politicians in Oklahoma that have created a state where hate crimes like that are allowed to happen without being held to account, well they need to be held to account as well. Nex may have taken the drugs that killed them, but make no mistake, that child was murdered.
@17: it's not your specific comments, and certainly not Kristofarian's ridiculous prose. i'm just not in the "Genocide Joe" left. one titch to the right of that, which seems to be pitiable to you.
@18: murder has specific legal standards. maybe a prosecutor could make a case for 2nd degree manslaughter. maybe, but not many would try.
Schumer [D, NY] Urges
New Leadership in Israel,
Calling Netanyahu an Obstacle to Peace
The top Senate Democrat, the highest-
ranking Jewish elected official
in the United States, spoke
from the Senate floor to
condemn Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu
and call for elections
to replace him.
As for suicide caused by bullying, at least one state (Minnesota) has made suicide due to bullying a crime - not homicide, but manslaughter.
and @20 yes that was the case to which I was referring, though apparently she's out of prison already, so getting someone to kill themselves and knowing they are killing themselves and telling no one, doesn't get you much of a prison sentence.
As for everyone who believes that anyone not voting for Biden in 2024 is responsible if Trump ends up squatting in the White House again (forever, according to everyone screaming about what will happen, like that piece of shit won't ever die, please excuse me while I roll my eyes), let's look at some facts:
If Donald Trump were LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH he would be in prison (or dead, having been murdered while in prison). But nah, motherfucker's like Michael Myers according to all the people screaming about him and if he gets in the White House again HE WILL NEVER LEAVE HE WILL STAY THERE FOREVER!!! Acting like our government hasn't been long fucking dead and everything Trump did while in office made sure the rest of it would be killed no matter who is POTUS (SCOTUS and federal judiciary will see to that).
74 million people voted for Trump in 2020.
The Biden Administration has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to hold Trump accountable.
The Supreme Court has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to hold Trump accountable.
The Department of Justice has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to hold Trump accountable.
Prosecuting Trump for all of his crimes is not political, it's a legal matter. Pretending the POTUS cannot be held accountable in a court of law is SO FUCKING ABSURD, BUT HEY, THIS IS 'MURICA.
153 people in Congress refused to certify Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election.
Countless people tried hard as hell to interfere with the election and make sure Trump remained in office - from election officials in countless states to all of the domestic terrorists who broke into the Capitol on 1/6/21, intending to murder the Vice President and Nancy Pelosi.
But please, continue to go on and on about how anyone choosing not to vote for the totally out of control Zionist sending hundreds of billions of American taxpayer dollars and fuck tons of weapons to Israel to exterminate millions of human beings because some "GOD" told these cult fuckers the land is theirs (totally reasonable and logical and real WHAT???) are going to be the downfall of the United States.
Xina: Given all the time you spend commenting on Slog, writing multiple(!!!) emails a day to your congresspeople for the last five months (yeah... sure... did you write a program to automatically send the same email every hour?), and your 24-hour outrage machine, how do you have time for anything else? I guess OuTrAgE!!! is a full-time job.
So Bernie wants to legislate a 25% increase in labor costs for every business in America? Anyone still want to argue he could have won a Presidential election?
why Not?
El trumpfster
ran to the Left
adopted Most of
Bernie's Ideas and
then promptly Never
mentioned them Again
after ending up in the Whitehouse
Sanders wants
the Cap on Income
fucking Removed so
S.S. could fund itself for
76 more years. TERRIFYING
(to the Billionaire Upperclass)
I am physically disabled and home bound. So yeah, I have a lot of time on my hands. I am outraged. I am beyond outraged. If I could, I would destroy the fucking world, IMMEDIATELY. HUMANITY'S EXTINCTION EVENT.
No one says you have to read my comments, so there's that.
Before became disabled I lived a full life, 35 years of it, the last 5 (not sick, not disabled years of it) in Seattle, WA. I have two bachelors degrees and have spent a great deal of time educating myself beyond that education for the last 30 years. I pretty much could have a medical degree, a Ph.D in political science and a Ph.D in philosophy (if only I had had the physical ability and the money to get those kind of degrees).
I literally do write multiple individual, differently worded, brand new messages to Zionist Biden, Rep. Bonamici, Senator Wyden, and Senator Merkley EVERY SINGLE DAY.
I came back to writing comments on SLOG after not doing so for months. Again, you don't have to read the comments. I write comments and write emails and express my rage in ways that I choose to express it. So you don't like it. So?
I was diagnosed with probable ALS in January 2008.
Should have died but I only have PLS, not ALS (don't dx with PLS until you've had MND for over 4 years). If I had died I would have missed Trump, COVID, and genocide.
Let me guess, you're going to tell me I should kill myself, right?
Haven't killed myself in the last 17 years, so I guess I'm going to ride it out and if I choose to spend my free time doing what I want to do.
And while you think I have a lot of it, I think I'm just really good at time management.
I spend most of my time managing my illness, how it makes living my daily life, physically, nearly impossible, and I spend an inordinate amount of time seeing doctors, talking to health care staff, taking medications, making appointments, dealing with insurance companies and pharmacies, and so much other bullshit (that I am certain is meant to kill you), you know, my ACTUAL full time job (jobs, actually). For someone who can't work, live independently and lives in a chair, I spend more time on managing my disease and disability than I ever spent working a FT job and having a FT social life. C'est la vie, motherfucker.
Perhaps I'll spend more time writing comments. Just have to figure out what I can cut out of my hectic schedule to do so.
@36 I'm sure AG will see a comment I've posted at some point.
@38 Thank you.
I ended my subscription to the New York Times (despite my addiction to their word games). The bullshit was too much to take, especially when I was paying for it (and I was only paying $4/month for a one year digital subscription). All comments I ever wrote were always stuck in "pending" and I was much more diplomatic and reserved than I am here. #truth
When I lived in NYC (before I moved to Seattle), I found it astonishing how snotty people were about the New York Times, a paper written on an 8th grade reading level that has a LOT of words in it that say nothing. I also grew up in NY (state) and went to college at a private university in NY (state) and there's a lot of people who think NYC is the center of the universe (well, the United States, anyway). I felt that way until I left NYC one year, one month, and 14 days after 9/11 and moved to Seattle, where I thought I would live for the rest of my life until I became sick and had to leave. 8 years back in NY (state) and now in my 9th year in Oregon, where we live because you can't live by the ocean on the east coast (not anywhere you'd want to live anyway) unless you are a multi-millionaire. We're getting close to having to leave the Oregon coast, too.
All that being said, the one place I wish more than anywhere else I could be right now, able bodied and able to be out in the streets protesting for Palestine, with so many different people from so many different walks of life, is NYC. The only thing getting me through this shit show is the people out in the world taking concrete ACTION that I am physically incapable of taking to put a stop to this. Of course, despite the protests happening worldwide, the world sits by and still does nothing.
Everyone doing nothing truly believes it's fine because it's not happening to them. What none of those people understand is if they get away with this; if they exterminate 2.2 million people while the world watches and the United States (and Europe) pay for it; if they can do it there to Palestinians, it can be done to anyone, anywhere, again and again and again. And it will.
Oh and one more reason I have so much time on my hands is that too many people I have loved almost my entire life have been and continue to be completely silent about the genocide in Palestine. I left my last social media connection (Instagram) because the silence was deafening and the live streamed slaughter was traumatizing (and what privilege to be able to look away, right?) I am still sitting as a witness, simply not by doom scrolling 24/7.
To quote Sophie Scholl (a German who at the age of 22 was executed, by guillotine during the Holocaust when turned in to the Gestapo by a janitor at her university for engaging in anti-Nazi activities):
"Stand up for what you believe in, even if you are standing alone."
@15: First, I had asked you why you called President Biden "Genocide Joe." You 'responded' by not mentioning him at all. Fail even harder next time.
Second, I have repeatedly cited the definition of "genocide" given in the Genocide Convention*, compared it to Hamas' actions in Israel on 10/7, and concluded Hamas' actions fit that definition. You've never done anything of the kind, except to say you have your own, better, double-secret definition of "genocide" that you will not share. Under this very personal definition that you will not share, Israel is most definitely completely guilty of genocide in Gaza, but you still have yet to determine if Hamas was guilty of it in Israel on 10/7. If your personal, double-secret definition of "genocide" can't be used to answer the question of whether a mass-murdering, mass-raping attack upon Jews for being Jews on land Hamas wants to cleanse of Jews is, in fact, "genocide," then what good is your own, personal, double-secret definition of "genocide"?
Finally, I never said that the ongoing humanitarian disaster in Gaza was "justified" by Hamas' genocide* in Israel on 10/7. I have clearly described how Hamas bears almost all of the responsibility for that disaster, and part of that explanation involves noting the genocide* which Hamas committed in Israel on 10/7 was one of the contributing factors to that disaster.
(Oh, and great humor points in accusing me of having "flooded" Slog with accusations of genocide against Hamas, when you and the Stranger do this every day to Israel, without even telling us what you mean by "genocide." Not many laughs to be found in this line of inquiry, but you still manage to bring them.)
World Central Kitchen is the only good in the world right now. Jose Andres understands. He understands he may fail, he understands Israel may destroy the hundreds of tons of food he has sent to Gaza (first ship arrives tomorrow, the next ship Saturday or Sunday - it takes 3 days to ship hundreds of tons of food from Cypress to Gaza).
This is someone doing something, knowing it may fail, but he is doing it because no matter what, he knows that whatever you ARE able to do, you MUST do, so that you can live with yourself and know that you tried.
[the] First
Aid Shipment
to Arrive by Sea Is Set
to Be Delivered Across Gaza
Hamas is no longer demanding that Israel immediately agree to a permanent cease-fire in return for beginning a hostage and prisoner exchange, according to people familiar with the negotiations.
Pretty convenient that an ME or whatever the title of the person determining the cause of death, in the state that has generated the hate that instigated the girls beating Nex ALMOST to death to rule Nex's death a suicide.
I bet the next words we here are how we wouldn't want the lives of those three girls who attempted to murder someone, we wouldn't want THEIR lives ruined (just like all of the rapists who get away with their crimes because we wouldn't want THEIR lives ruined).
Any child killing themselves is a failure of the society in which that child lives. Our society is failing all of its children. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.
But, hey, our politicians want everyone to breed, want fetuses (even frozen embryos) to be called children, and for all of the children forced into the world to live in this hell. Who cares if they die or are murdered, as long as they are brought into existence as actual living, breathing, vulnerable babies and children before it happens.
Shit, the entire world is watching millions of children being starved to death ON PURPOSE in Palestine and so many other places in the world as I type this, what's one kid murdered in Oklahoma, am I right?
Xina, sorry but Benedict's death wasn't murder. Tragic, but not murder. It's unlikely the OK ME is fabricating a toxicology report.
"An early summary of the report indicated that the probable cause of death was the âcombined toxicityâ of diphenhydramine and fluoxetine, according to the New York Times. Diphenhydramine is an antihistamine found in allergy medications like Benadryl, while fluoxetine is an antidepressant medication commonly known as Prozac."
Where did Nex learn you could kill yourself with that drug cocktail? Probably on the Internet.
Ah, the irony of TS continues and no one on staff can see it.
1: Eastern Washington voters are stupid and shortsighted for cutting their nose to spite their face by supporting the capital gains tax cut!
2: Uncommitted got more votes than Amy Klobuchar in 2020! Way to show Genocide Joe!
If you canât see youâre being as stupid as the the MAGA folks in Eastern WashingtonâŚwell, what can anyone say to you?
Ahab: "Why are Progressives so insistent on symbolism over substance? Pontificating over policy?"
Because politics, activism and progressive causes are religion substitutes. Religion thrives on symbolism and ritual.
"Genocide Joe"?
gotta Say well
he's Earned it
& Thank YOU tS
and xina too!
and Others
as well for
the Neolibs
Cons & "Centrists"
of tS's commentariat're
seemingly just fucking Fine
with our steadily-increasing slide
into the Abyss of 'right'-wing fascism
just as long
as it's a nice,
slow descent
Fuck that Shit.
@7: Gotta say no, he hasn't earned it. you and Xina are pushing me to the center with your hyperbolic hyperventilating.
for whom
do you
If a couple of SLOG comments is all it takes to push you to the center, I have to question whether you were really any degree further to the left in the first place.
Correction: meant for @8.
@7: â"Genocide Joe"?
gotta Say well
he's Earned itâ
Yes, please recite the definition of âgenocideâ youâre using, and show how it applies to Pres. Biden.
Given how incredibly sure of yourself you sound, it shouldnât take much time or effort to prove your point.
Anytime nowâŚ
& Your point
if what HAMAS did
on 10/7/23 (& Yes it
WAS Horrific) was Genocide
which you've Flooded der Schlogg
with for the LAST FIVE MONTHS than
if That can be Defined as Genocide then
WhatevertheFuck Nutnyahoo's done to Gazans
and to the West Bankers is fucking Justified. my Answer?
Fuck you. Oh!
and BiBi too.
The one thing you can always count on with regard to internet trolls is "show me the proof!" Even if you have shown and show it again they will deny, lie, and retry "show me the proof!" Why? Are you too stupid to find it yourself? If you disagree and believe "proof" will prove it, then YOU show the proof. Wouldn't that make more sense? Ah, but you don't have any, so there's that.
The next thing that trolls love to say is "your opinion is making me {insert whatever someone else's opinion is making you do}. It's like men who beat or murder (their child, their girlfriend, hell even their bosses, co-workers, kids going school, people at a concert, anyone simply for existing...) LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO! FFS take some responsibility for your own beliefs and behavior. If any comments on SLOG push your beliefs or behaviro one way or the other than that's pretty sad.
The ICJ told Israel exactly what it had to do to avoid committing genocide. Israel, instead, chose to do exactly everything on the list they were told NOT TO DO and MORE. So yeah, Israel is committing genocide. Starving millions of people to death is genocide. Destroying everything, all schools, libraries, hospitals, cultural centers, religious buildings, and most importantly, KILLING CHILDREN and pregnant women are acts of genocide. Don't like people using the word? Oh well, denial of reality doesn't make it cease to exist.
The United Nations Genocide Convention defines genocide as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group".
Israel has done all of the above and more. Israel is committing genocide and the United States' taxpayers are paying for all of it. So you don't give a shit about Palestinians being wiped off the face of the earth? Okay. You also don't care that the United States is providing money and weapons to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars? No? Don't care about that either? What, exactly, do you care about then? Democrats and the Biden Administration are violating U.S. law and international law by providing Israel with weapons while they are committing crimes of genocide. That a problem for you? No?
I guess the question becomes, what do you care about?
And just in case this needs to be made clear: that's a rhetorical question, one you get answer while looking at yourself in the mirror, because I don't care.
As for Nex, bullying someone to death (making their life a living hell enough to make them kill themselves) is murder. Don't believe me? Ask the girl who told her boyfriend to kill himself (she did with texts, right)? She's in prison. Those girls need to be held to account for their hate crime and the politicians in Oklahoma that have created a state where hate crimes like that are allowed to happen without being held to account, well they need to be held to account as well. Nex may have taken the drugs that killed them, but make no mistake, that child was murdered.
Civil suits don't result in prison sentences. This wasn't a civil suit, at least not if this is the one we're talking about.
@17: it's not your specific comments, and certainly not Kristofarian's ridiculous prose. i'm just not in the "Genocide Joe" left. one titch to the right of that, which seems to be pitiable to you.
@18: murder has specific legal standards. maybe a prosecutor could make a case for 2nd degree manslaughter. maybe, but not many would try.
"it is nearly
Impossible to
get a man to Ack-
nowledge something
when that Acknowledge-
ment interfers with his Occupation."
for Whom
do you Work?
whoops, @20 was meant for @19, not 18
"Genocide Joe". You are really over the top dumb.
look who
just caught
Up with kristo:
[Leader of our
US Senate
Schumer [D, NY] Urges
New Leadership in Israel,
Calling Netanyahu an Obstacle to Peace
The top Senate Democrat, the highest-
ranking Jewish elected official
in the United States, spoke
from the Senate floor to
condemn Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu
and call for elections
to replace him.
wanna Schweep in
â2024 mr. President?
Hop on the Bandwagon
and maybe get a
Decent Congress
as fucking Well
in YOUR Court
Mister President. Sir.
@21 you said it not me (in @8)
As for suicide caused by bullying, at least one state (Minnesota) has made suicide due to bullying a crime - not homicide, but manslaughter.
and @20 yes that was the case to which I was referring, though apparently she's out of prison already, so getting someone to kill themselves and knowing they are killing themselves and telling no one, doesn't get you much of a prison sentence.
As for everyone who believes that anyone not voting for Biden in 2024 is responsible if Trump ends up squatting in the White House again (forever, according to everyone screaming about what will happen, like that piece of shit won't ever die, please excuse me while I roll my eyes), let's look at some facts:
If Donald Trump were LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH he would be in prison (or dead, having been murdered while in prison). But nah, motherfucker's like Michael Myers according to all the people screaming about him and if he gets in the White House again HE WILL NEVER LEAVE HE WILL STAY THERE FOREVER!!! Acting like our government hasn't been long fucking dead and everything Trump did while in office made sure the rest of it would be killed no matter who is POTUS (SCOTUS and federal judiciary will see to that).
74 million people voted for Trump in 2020.
The Biden Administration has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to hold Trump accountable.
The Supreme Court has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to hold Trump accountable.
The Department of Justice has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to hold Trump accountable.
Prosecuting Trump for all of his crimes is not political, it's a legal matter. Pretending the POTUS cannot be held accountable in a court of law is SO FUCKING ABSURD, BUT HEY, THIS IS 'MURICA.
153 people in Congress refused to certify Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election.
Countless people tried hard as hell to interfere with the election and make sure Trump remained in office - from election officials in countless states to all of the domestic terrorists who broke into the Capitol on 1/6/21, intending to murder the Vice President and Nancy Pelosi.
But please, continue to go on and on about how anyone choosing not to vote for the totally out of control Zionist sending hundreds of billions of American taxpayer dollars and fuck tons of weapons to Israel to exterminate millions of human beings because some "GOD" told these cult fuckers the land is theirs (totally reasonable and logical and real WHAT???) are going to be the downfall of the United States.
Xina: Given all the time you spend commenting on Slog, writing multiple(!!!) emails a day to your congresspeople for the last five months (yeah... sure... did you write a program to automatically send the same email every hour?), and your 24-hour outrage machine, how do you have time for anything else? I guess OuTrAgE!!! is a full-time job.
"Genocide Joe." Fuck you Hannah.
So Bernie wants to legislate a 25% increase in labor costs for every business in America? Anyone still want to argue he could have won a Presidential election?
why Not?
El trumpfster
ran to the Left
adopted Most of
Bernie's Ideas and
then promptly Never
mentioned them Again
after ending up in the Whitehouse
Sanders wants
the Cap on Income
fucking Removed so
S.S. could fund itself for
76 more years. TERRIFYING
(to the Billionaire Upperclass)
but they'd
Still be RICH
as Fuck. oh the
I am physically disabled and home bound. So yeah, I have a lot of time on my hands. I am outraged. I am beyond outraged. If I could, I would destroy the fucking world, IMMEDIATELY. HUMANITY'S EXTINCTION EVENT.
No one says you have to read my comments, so there's that.
Before became disabled I lived a full life, 35 years of it, the last 5 (not sick, not disabled years of it) in Seattle, WA. I have two bachelors degrees and have spent a great deal of time educating myself beyond that education for the last 30 years. I pretty much could have a medical degree, a Ph.D in political science and a Ph.D in philosophy (if only I had had the physical ability and the money to get those kind of degrees).
I literally do write multiple individual, differently worded, brand new messages to Zionist Biden, Rep. Bonamici, Senator Wyden, and Senator Merkley EVERY SINGLE DAY.
I came back to writing comments on SLOG after not doing so for months. Again, you don't have to read the comments. I write comments and write emails and express my rage in ways that I choose to express it. So you don't like it. So?
I was diagnosed with probable ALS in January 2008.
Should have died but I only have PLS, not ALS (don't dx with PLS until you've had MND for over 4 years). If I had died I would have missed Trump, COVID, and genocide.
Let me guess, you're going to tell me I should kill myself, right?
Haven't killed myself in the last 17 years, so I guess I'm going to ride it out and if I choose to spend my free time doing what I want to do.
And while you think I have a lot of it, I think I'm just really good at time management.
I spend most of my time managing my illness, how it makes living my daily life, physically, nearly impossible, and I spend an inordinate amount of time seeing doctors, talking to health care staff, taking medications, making appointments, dealing with insurance companies and pharmacies, and so much other bullshit (that I am certain is meant to kill you), you know, my ACTUAL full time job (jobs, actually). For someone who can't work, live independently and lives in a chair, I spend more time on managing my disease and disability than I ever spent working a FT job and having a FT social life. C'est la vie, motherfucker.
Perhaps I'll spend more time writing comments. Just have to figure out what I can cut out of my hectic schedule to do so.
First I'm going to write some more emails to my elected representatives. : D
"Thatâs more votes than Amy Klobuchar got in Washington in 2020!"
Amy Klobuchar dropped out of the race a week before the primary in 2020 and placed 5th with 2.14% of the vote. Congrats?
that you are
I'd LOVE to read
your words in the nyt
& not just in the
they're* def
a somewhat
more receptive
commentauriat. de-
pending on and I do
believe you'd Shine. or you-
're Already there & I missed you
think of the Numbers
& the Ripples
@36 I'm sure AG will see a comment I've posted at some point.
@38 Thank you.
I ended my subscription to the New York Times (despite my addiction to their word games). The bullshit was too much to take, especially when I was paying for it (and I was only paying $4/month for a one year digital subscription). All comments I ever wrote were always stuck in "pending" and I was much more diplomatic and reserved than I am here. #truth
When I lived in NYC (before I moved to Seattle), I found it astonishing how snotty people were about the New York Times, a paper written on an 8th grade reading level that has a LOT of words in it that say nothing. I also grew up in NY (state) and went to college at a private university in NY (state) and there's a lot of people who think NYC is the center of the universe (well, the United States, anyway). I felt that way until I left NYC one year, one month, and 14 days after 9/11 and moved to Seattle, where I thought I would live for the rest of my life until I became sick and had to leave. 8 years back in NY (state) and now in my 9th year in Oregon, where we live because you can't live by the ocean on the east coast (not anywhere you'd want to live anyway) unless you are a multi-millionaire. We're getting close to having to leave the Oregon coast, too.
All that being said, the one place I wish more than anywhere else I could be right now, able bodied and able to be out in the streets protesting for Palestine, with so many different people from so many different walks of life, is NYC. The only thing getting me through this shit show is the people out in the world taking concrete ACTION that I am physically incapable of taking to put a stop to this. Of course, despite the protests happening worldwide, the world sits by and still does nothing.
Everyone doing nothing truly believes it's fine because it's not happening to them. What none of those people understand is if they get away with this; if they exterminate 2.2 million people while the world watches and the United States (and Europe) pay for it; if they can do it there to Palestinians, it can be done to anyone, anywhere, again and again and again. And it will.
Oh and one more reason I have so much time on my hands is that too many people I have loved almost my entire life have been and continue to be completely silent about the genocide in Palestine. I left my last social media connection (Instagram) because the silence was deafening and the live streamed slaughter was traumatizing (and what privilege to be able to look away, right?) I am still sitting as a witness, simply not by doom scrolling 24/7.
To quote Sophie Scholl (a German who at the age of 22 was executed, by guillotine during the Holocaust when turned in to the Gestapo by a janitor at her university for engaging in anti-Nazi activities):
"Stand up for what you believe in, even if you are standing alone."
@15: First, I had asked you why you called President Biden "Genocide Joe." You 'responded' by not mentioning him at all. Fail even harder next time.
Second, I have repeatedly cited the definition of "genocide" given in the Genocide Convention*, compared it to Hamas' actions in Israel on 10/7, and concluded Hamas' actions fit that definition. You've never done anything of the kind, except to say you have your own, better, double-secret definition of "genocide" that you will not share. Under this very personal definition that you will not share, Israel is most definitely completely guilty of genocide in Gaza, but you still have yet to determine if Hamas was guilty of it in Israel on 10/7. If your personal, double-secret definition of "genocide" can't be used to answer the question of whether a mass-murdering, mass-raping attack upon Jews for being Jews on land Hamas wants to cleanse of Jews is, in fact, "genocide," then what good is your own, personal, double-secret definition of "genocide"?
Finally, I never said that the ongoing humanitarian disaster in Gaza was "justified" by Hamas' genocide* in Israel on 10/7. I have clearly described how Hamas bears almost all of the responsibility for that disaster, and part of that explanation involves noting the genocide* which Hamas committed in Israel on 10/7 was one of the contributing factors to that disaster.
(Oh, and great humor points in accusing me of having "flooded" Slog with accusations of genocide against Hamas, when you and the Stranger do this every day to Israel, without even telling us what you mean by "genocide." Not many laughs to be found in this line of inquiry, but you still manage to bring them.)
"... if they can do it there to Palestinians, it can be done to anyone, anywhere, again and again and again. And it will."
first, they came for
the Palestinians and I did
not Trouble; I was far, far away*
nyt's petty
Lame in their
comment acceptances
it depends on the gatekeeper
maybe more like
letters to the editor
or like what tS does here
with their guest rants or whatever
you have an
*when the 2K Bunker Busters all
say 'Proudly Made in the U.S.A.'
does that HELP to keep Us
Safe from the Terrorists?
(just Think of all the
Crackdowns they'll
be Forced to Instit-
ute at the mere
Mention of
can you
show your
Work? thanks!
ask your
friends if they
think I'm right.
World Central Kitchen is the only good in the world right now. Jose Andres understands. He understands he may fail, he understands Israel may destroy the hundreds of tons of food he has sent to Gaza (first ship arrives tomorrow, the next ship Saturday or Sunday - it takes 3 days to ship hundreds of tons of food from Cypress to Gaza).
This is someone doing something, knowing it may fail, but he is doing it because no matter what, he knows that whatever you ARE able to do, you MUST do, so that you can live with yourself and know that you tried.
[the] First
Aid Shipment
to Arrive by Sea Is Set
to Be Delivered Across Gaza
Hamas is no longer demanding that Israel immediately agree to a permanent cease-fire in return for beginning a hostage and prisoner exchange, according to people familiar with the negotiations.
Bravo, Jose Andres!
and all those
so others
may Sur-
Nutnyahoo wonât
Sabotage Everything
tho the Odds
are all for it.