JFC. Biden (sorry, "Genocide Joe") has already provided student debt relief to a lot more than "some" and has found new ways to do it for all 3 years of his 1st term. It wouldn't hurt to acknowledge it instead of snarking about "election-year heat".
This nonsense of covering every Boeing maintenance issue is getting out of control, the cowling flew off because it wasn't latched. If the hood of your Ford flew off while going 300 mph because you had left it open we wouldn't be talking about "another Ford problem."
This was never going to be a good cycle to extract much from SPOG, police departments all over the country have been offering signing bonuses and boosting pay, the City either could have drug it out further and made conditions at the department even worse, or waited for an arbitrator to impose the same contract (or likely a more expensive one), anyway.
Trump would ban abortion!?!? Just like how his Supreme Court Justices got the ball rolling??!!? Ok radical leftists, it's time for a plan of action:
Don't eat the rich, that'd be a lot of work
Actually, let's just round that. Don't even wound or mildly inconvenience the rich
Let's keep using #eattherich as if we own it, it's super fetch to say it LOL. Democrats, you are NOT ALLOWED TO SAY IT.
MEANIES on the Internet might try to point out that every single religion, nationality, political Identity etc. the world over has at least one crazy guy that goes lone wolf and uses violence against political enemies, EXCEPT #eattherich leftists. We're uniquely cowards! So if anyone points that out on the Internet, let's block them. Or, ironically, let's report them for encouraging violence by making fun of our cowardice. LOL tone-policing centrists are our preferred straw man anyway, even though we're tied with them at ZERO rich people eaten!
Now that we've cultivated a safe space, let's radically make top 10 lists of what we don't like about Biden at our very progressive #eattherich club house. We're all so brave!
Also, any ideas as to why we're having such terrible political success with the mayor, city council, cop contracts? Gosh, it's so weird that we can't get an electoral win on these. Let's brainstorm how it's Hillary Clinton I mean Joe Biden's fault.
Enjoy the eclipse and #eattherich girlfriends! Wow, I feel sooo brave for saying that. Didn't I sound brave and radical?
@1- acknowledging that Biden has done a lot of good in office is inconsistent with The Stranger’s view that moderates/centrists are pure evil and getting Donald Trump crowned President would not make any difference.
@1: ‘It wouldn't hurt to acknowledge it instead of snarking about "election-year heat".’
The real surprise here comes from the Stranger not attributing Biden’s acting to folks in Puget Sound voting “uncommitted.”
@2: “This was never going to be a good cycle to extract much from SPOG, police departments all over the country have been offering signing bonuses and boosting pay,”
And, for some reason, Seattle has to offer even more, for some reason that totally not at all has anything in the least bit to do with the former City Council’s obsession with something which might rhyme with “refund.”
The Denver flap isn't bad news for Boeing. It's bad news for the mechanic who didn't latch the cowling, and bad news for the pilot who missed it during the walk-around (though making up for that with a superb flaps-up landing in a crosswind).
@6 However, he will spend 30 minutes relating his power and decisions to obscure socialist philosophers and theorists, missing the entire window to act. The irony will be lost.
The Orange Turd should be aborted and hurtled off into outer space via Jeff Bezos' Trump's butt ugly space dildo.
Boeing for Bankruptcy in 2024! KKKorporate CEOs deserve to lose all their greed fueled billions at the expense of their workers and traveling public. I know I'LL never fly again.
It's about friggin' TIME RepubliKKKans started calling out Babyface Loren Culp on its MAGA bullshit.
Attention GOP: wash, rinse, and repeat until you eliminate the Orange Turd from power too.
@6 Swiftress and @8 aramis: B-but---Charles Mudede is already in the dark....
"Pick up your pooch's poop:" - Lets call a spade a spade. Parvo virus causes DEATH because it goes undiagnosed or untreated because of lack of money. "....mortality can reach 91% in untreated cases. Often, treatment involves veterinary hospitalization, and Canine parvovirus infects other mammals, including foxes, wolves, cats, and skunks." - Wikipedia
".....shut up and count your rosary beads. No one asked you."
To which, unfortunately, as a Roman Catholic, I have to say, "Amen".
"Seattle police union posts contract:" - How is it that today's activists are so clueless as to the realities of the situations: Police unions are in exactly the same bargaining positions as Black grievance organizations. The police unions can say exactly the same thing as Sharpton & Crump: "Give us the $26M or we let the city burn down costing you $260M."
"Trump won't say if he would sign national abortion ban (he would):" -
So go ahead, all of you who want to vote "None of the Above" to "Send Biden a Message". That will REALLY show 'em.
"More bad news for Boeing:"
And oddly enough, in the news reports I saw of this incident, Boeing was never mentioned. Only Southwest. BTW, I bought some Boeing stock a month ago. It's down 50%. And when I checked, all the news about Boeing amounts to this: All these incidents are no more than the normal/usual rate of aircraft incidents. (as if that's not scary enough). In a year, all this publicity will pass & the stock will be up again. (I was involved with "ethical investing" when I was working in my 30s-50s. Now in my 70s I need the money.....and the money don't know where it came from. Now I'm chock full of LMT, GD, NOC, RTX, BA, BTI, MO, SBGI, all the world's evildoers.)
@10, Spinlaunch has already tried 3 times to put Trump into outer space without success.
Biden should try to use a stylized graphic of the graphs for the stock price of DJT, Trump Casino, & the other Trump winners as avatars for Trump in Biden's campaign materials.
The problem with the Pope & the Catholic Church putting out OFFICIAL positions on abortion, trans issues, & other sexual issues is that they're doing it to express opinions in the political fray. Unfortunately....extremely unfortunately....those official opinions continually bleed over into the legal & medical arenas where the church has absolutely no business expressing opinions. You have to wonder just how stupid the church hierarchy really is. Haven't they ever so much as seen an episode of The West Wing where they discussed the problem of the President making off hand remarks that will lead to disastrous world wide effects because nothing the President (or the Pope) says is seen as off hand or trivial?
@10 If only. Unfortunately, Jeff Bezos' space dildo is purely suborbital, so anything it launches must return to Earth. Elon Musk's space dildo on the other hand could do some real good.
@12 MichaelClayton: Is it because the Orange Turd is too fat? I forgot about all the gross tonnage.
@15 boatgeek: Damn! That's one more reason for me to despise Jeff Bezos. At least I have no use for Amazon.
Okay. Now my question is: would Orange Turd worshipping Elon Musk actually do the world a favor and hurtle DJT one way into outer space via his space dildo? The bottomless shithole that is RepubliKKKan fueled dystopia won't end until enough members of the GOP finally hold their worst offenders accountable.
The Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) has finally blown the whistle on looney Loren Culp for being such a flagrant MAGA turd [see Danny Westneat's op.ed. article in the Sunday, April 7, 2024 Seattle Times, Northwest, pages C1 & C5]. That's at least a start.
@17: Was the Orange Turd in England betting on horses, raindrop dear?
@18 MichaelCClayton: Whether it's Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, or Bill Gates, Jr., it matters not.
I have lost faith in billionaires--especially those profiting from high tech and the fossil fuel industry. I see ALI (Artificial Lack of Intelligence, to me) as the end of times, and just another scheme in the big KKKorporate race to the bottom. High Tech wants to reprogram us into robots to be subjected to unpaid slave labor 24/7. Have you noticed that ALI is being pushed quickly into the global market without regulations or testing?
ALI will control our thoughts, ideas, and dreams. No human will have an original thought again. ALI is even being used for cloning with plans of conjuring up artificial people. If this falls into the wrong hands, the Holocaust of WWII will be like child's play in comparison.
If you're not outraged you're not paying attention.
JFC. Biden (sorry, "Genocide Joe") has already provided student debt relief to a lot more than "some" and has found new ways to do it for all 3 years of his 1st term. It wouldn't hurt to acknowledge it instead of snarking about "election-year heat".
This nonsense of covering every Boeing maintenance issue is getting out of control, the cowling flew off because it wasn't latched. If the hood of your Ford flew off while going 300 mph because you had left it open we wouldn't be talking about "another Ford problem."
This was never going to be a good cycle to extract much from SPOG, police departments all over the country have been offering signing bonuses and boosting pay, the City either could have drug it out further and made conditions at the department even worse, or waited for an arbitrator to impose the same contract (or likely a more expensive one), anyway.
Trump would ban abortion!?!? Just like how his Supreme Court Justices got the ball rolling??!!? Ok radical leftists, it's time for a plan of action:
Don't eat the rich, that'd be a lot of work
Actually, let's just round that. Don't even wound or mildly inconvenience the rich
Let's keep using #eattherich as if we own it, it's super fetch to say it LOL. Democrats, you are NOT ALLOWED TO SAY IT.
MEANIES on the Internet might try to point out that every single religion, nationality, political Identity etc. the world over has at least one crazy guy that goes lone wolf and uses violence against political enemies, EXCEPT #eattherich leftists. We're uniquely cowards! So if anyone points that out on the Internet, let's block them. Or, ironically, let's report them for encouraging violence by making fun of our cowardice. LOL tone-policing centrists are our preferred straw man anyway, even though we're tied with them at ZERO rich people eaten!
Now that we've cultivated a safe space, let's radically make top 10 lists of what we don't like about Biden at our very progressive #eattherich club house. We're all so brave!
Also, any ideas as to why we're having such terrible political success with the mayor, city council, cop contracts? Gosh, it's so weird that we can't get an electoral win on these. Let's brainstorm how it's Hillary Clinton I mean Joe Biden's fault.
Enjoy the eclipse and #eattherich girlfriends! Wow, I feel sooo brave for saying that. Didn't I sound brave and radical?
@1- acknowledging that Biden has done a lot of good in office is inconsistent with The Stranger’s view that moderates/centrists are pure evil and getting Donald Trump crowned President would not make any difference.
@1: ‘It wouldn't hurt to acknowledge it instead of snarking about "election-year heat".’
The real surprise here comes from the Stranger not attributing Biden’s acting to folks in Puget Sound voting “uncommitted.”
@2: “This was never going to be a good cycle to extract much from SPOG, police departments all over the country have been offering signing bonuses and boosting pay,”
And, for some reason, Seattle has to offer even more, for some reason that totally not at all has anything in the least bit to do with the former City Council’s obsession with something which might rhyme with “refund.”
Rumor has it that at the very apex of the eclipse, for a few brief moments, Charles Mudede will be elevated to supreme power.
The Denver flap isn't bad news for Boeing. It's bad news for the mechanic who didn't latch the cowling, and bad news for the pilot who missed it during the walk-around (though making up for that with a superb flaps-up landing in a crosswind).
@6 However, he will spend 30 minutes relating his power and decisions to obscure socialist philosophers and theorists, missing the entire window to act. The irony will be lost.
The Orange Turd should be aborted and hurtled off into outer space via Jeff Bezos' Trump's butt ugly space dildo.
Boeing for Bankruptcy in 2024! KKKorporate CEOs deserve to lose all their greed fueled billions at the expense of their workers and traveling public. I know I'LL never fly again.
It's about friggin' TIME RepubliKKKans started calling out Babyface Loren Culp on its MAGA bullshit.
Attention GOP: wash, rinse, and repeat until you eliminate the Orange Turd from power too.
@6 Swiftress and @8 aramis: B-but---Charles Mudede is already in the dark....
"Pick up your pooch's poop:" - Lets call a spade a spade. Parvo virus causes DEATH because it goes undiagnosed or untreated because of lack of money. "....mortality can reach 91% in untreated cases. Often, treatment involves veterinary hospitalization, and Canine parvovirus infects other mammals, including foxes, wolves, cats, and skunks." - Wikipedia
".....shut up and count your rosary beads. No one asked you."
To which, unfortunately, as a Roman Catholic, I have to say, "Amen".
"Seattle police union posts contract:" - How is it that today's activists are so clueless as to the realities of the situations: Police unions are in exactly the same bargaining positions as Black grievance organizations. The police unions can say exactly the same thing as Sharpton & Crump: "Give us the $26M or we let the city burn down costing you $260M."
"Trump won't say if he would sign national abortion ban (he would):" -
So go ahead, all of you who want to vote "None of the Above" to "Send Biden a Message". That will REALLY show 'em.
"More bad news for Boeing:"
And oddly enough, in the news reports I saw of this incident, Boeing was never mentioned. Only Southwest. BTW, I bought some Boeing stock a month ago. It's down 50%. And when I checked, all the news about Boeing amounts to this: All these incidents are no more than the normal/usual rate of aircraft incidents. (as if that's not scary enough). In a year, all this publicity will pass & the stock will be up again. (I was involved with "ethical investing" when I was working in my 30s-50s. Now in my 70s I need the money.....and the money don't know where it came from. Now I'm chock full of LMT, GD, NOC, RTX, BA, BTI, MO, SBGI, all the world's evildoers.)
@10, Spinlaunch has already tried 3 times to put Trump into outer space without success.
Biden should try to use a stylized graphic of the graphs for the stock price of DJT, Trump Casino, & the other Trump winners as avatars for Trump in Biden's campaign materials.
The problem with the Pope & the Catholic Church putting out OFFICIAL positions on abortion, trans issues, & other sexual issues is that they're doing it to express opinions in the political fray. Unfortunately....extremely unfortunately....those official opinions continually bleed over into the legal & medical arenas where the church has absolutely no business expressing opinions. You have to wonder just how stupid the church hierarchy really is. Haven't they ever so much as seen an episode of The West Wing where they discussed the problem of the President making off hand remarks that will lead to disastrous world wide effects because nothing the President (or the Pope) says is seen as off hand or trivial?
@10 If only. Unfortunately, Jeff Bezos' space dildo is purely suborbital, so anything it launches must return to Earth. Elon Musk's space dildo on the other hand could do some real good.
@12 MichaelClayton: Is it because the Orange Turd is too fat? I forgot about all the gross tonnage.
@15 boatgeek: Damn! That's one more reason for me to despise Jeff Bezos. At least I have no use for Amazon.
Okay. Now my question is: would Orange Turd worshipping Elon Musk actually do the world a favor and hurtle DJT one way into outer space via his space dildo? The bottomless shithole that is RepubliKKKan fueled dystopia won't end until enough members of the GOP finally hold their worst offenders accountable.
The Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) has finally blown the whistle on looney Loren Culp for being such a flagrant MAGA turd [see Danny Westneat's op.ed. article in the Sunday, April 7, 2024 Seattle Times, Northwest, pages C1 & C5]. That's at least a start.
@10,@16, Bezos?? You're confusing Blue Origin with SpinLaunch. SpinLaunch is pretty much a scam, IMHO.
@17: Was the Orange Turd in England betting on horses, raindrop dear?
@18 MichaelCClayton: Whether it's Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, or Bill Gates, Jr., it matters not.
I have lost faith in billionaires--especially those profiting from high tech and the fossil fuel industry. I see ALI (Artificial Lack of Intelligence, to me) as the end of times, and just another scheme in the big KKKorporate race to the bottom. High Tech wants to reprogram us into robots to be subjected to unpaid slave labor 24/7. Have you noticed that ALI is being pushed quickly into the global market without regulations or testing?
ALI will control our thoughts, ideas, and dreams. No human will have an original thought again. ALI is even being used for cloning with plans of conjuring up artificial people. If this falls into the wrong hands, the Holocaust of WWII will be like child's play in comparison.
If you're not outraged you're not paying attention.