"If we only knew this was coming, then we might have done something about it." ROGER HARRIS/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/GettyImages.com



Texas (and god knows, the GOP) is proof that dinosaurs are not extinct!




"(4) For purposes of this section, "vehicular pursuit" means an attempt by a uniformed peace officer in a vehicle equipped with emergency lights and a siren to stop a moving vehicle where the operator of the moving vehicle appears to be aware that the officer is signaling the operator to stop the vehicle"



Unless you think the aircraft are flying around with lights and sirens blaring, which I gotta admit strikes me as a pretty entertaining scene, and something I'd not mind seeing footage from. Please provide links to such footage if you've got them, thanks.


Seventiesrocked dear, just the other day I got a ticket for expired tabs in Seattle. Granted, it was parking enforcement not the cops, but you’d best take care.



Fuck that. fax2 is a slog institution and living legend.

My favorite is the point at which any debate inevitably devolves into his invoking the subjective nature of morality, reality and existential human virtue to support his argument that he doesn't have to pay for park at 7-11 or whatever. We're almost there in this thread, can't wait.


"Where are the dinosaurs now"
They didn't go anywhere. There are >10K living species., ~twice as many as mammals.


A Marxist who thinks cars should go away.

And they say the dinosaurs are all dead.


Umm… actually, Charles, there wasn’t much of a “tune” (much less real TONE) in that audio clip. If you want to harken back to a time when people knew what a tune was (as in, an actual melody) you probably want to try something like this:


pot, meet kettle.


whoops wrong thread. sorry


@3 pat L for the WIN!!!!!

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