One of a few downloadable posters from the Governors Stay Home, Save Lives campaign.
One of a few downloadable posters from the Governor's "Stay Home, Save Lives" campaign. GOVERNOR'S OFFICE

Originally published on The Stranger's sister paper Portland Mercury's blog, Blogtown.

In a press release from the Oregon governor's office this morning, Governor Kate Brown announced that the state has teamed up with local, internationally respected advertising company Wieden+Kennedy, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), and others to produce a series of ads, posters, and videos called the "Stay Home, Save Lives" campaign.

The campaign's intention is to alert Oregonians of the dangers of COVID-19 and to serve as a blunt reminder of the critical importance of staying at home during this crisis. From the press release:

The campaign was created to speak directly to Oregonians across the state about the significance of the COVID-19 health crisis in Oregon, and what they can do to help. It also highlights the essential workers on the front lines of this crisis — such as health care workers, first responders, grocery store employees, and many more — who are working every day to ensure Oregon continues to operate during this crisis.

The campaign includes video intended to be streamed and shared, as well as downloadable posters (such as the one above) for the community to display in windows or yards (Portlanders do love posters!). OHA and other medical providers consulted with the campaign team, offering the harrowing statistics shown in the following video:

Also from the Governor's press release:
“As the newly released-modeling has shown, we know that if Oregonians continue practicing social distancing measures, we can give our health care system time to ramp up and get ready to meet the serious threat COVID-19 poses to Oregon,” said Patrick Allen, director of the Oregon Health Authority. “It’s important for Oregonians to remain vigilant through this crisis and continue to stay home for all those who must be outside for them.”

The second video provides a shoutout to these essential workers who are out there risking their lives for the rest of us, reminding us that staying inside is the greatest show of respect and support.

Follow this link for downloadable posters, video, and more from the "Stay Home, Save Lives" campaign.