

@1: That's nice. But what does that have to do with Britney Spears?


America needs to give Prezinazi AntiChrist a Ceaușescu Surprise for Christmas ; )


Worst US presidents:

1) James Buchanan, 1857–1861, whose self-serving callousness, cruelty, racism, and stupidity led directly to the Civil War;
2) George Dumbya CaliguBush, 2001–2009, whose corruption, lies, and incompetence caused decades of failed foreign wars, trillions of dollars of unrepayable debt, at least a million deaths, and a total economic collapse;
3) Andrew Johnson, 1865–1869, whose gross negligence and treasonous embrace of former Confederates short-circuted reconstruction and allowed Jim Crow laws to perpetuate for almost a century causing barbaric suffering for millions;
4) Dotard Judas Tr666p, 2017–2021, a racist psychopath, former gameshow host, Russian money launderer, serial sexual predator, and a rapist, whose daily lies, incompetence, insanity, and stupity destroyed America’s global leadership by revealing that there’s no difference between government, corporations, and organized crime.
He actively spread the coronavirus and caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans and is worshipped by Evilungelical ChrISIStians as their white trash AntiChrist messiah.
5) I dunno, Nixon?


@6: What corruption was there in 'W's administration? Bad judgement yes, but corruption. No.


Ha ha, hopefully the Texas Governor guy's efforts to uncover voter fraud goes better than Trump's, in which he set up a toll-free hotline for reports that's been getting flooded by lefty prank calls.



I imagine they're already keenly aware of that, as recent news reports would appear to indicate. Certainly, there's a great deal of concern being raised within military circles over both the timing and qualifications of the replacements, and that can only be a good thing, as it shows they are not in the least bit comfortable with the direction things are headed in what should rightfully be a "peaceful transition of power" from one administration to the next.

It might be ironic, given the historical involvement of the military in coups in other countries, but the U.S. military may actually be the strongest bulwark we have against something similar occurring here.


@6 Yeah, Nixon.


@10: You're right that the ramifications of his bad decisions yielded massive corruption.


@6 & @13,

Agreed. Tricky Dick Nixon should be higher on your list.

Also conspicuously missing: Warren Harding, widely regarded as the most corrupt administration (until the Dotard, at least). The graft in his cabinet was epic (before 2016).


@ 15,

Yeah, I thought about throwing Harding in there, but honestly his crimes seem so quaint and passé compared to today's lunacy that they don't even rise to 'Chicago alderman-level' anymore.

Nixon was before my time, but the fact that we're still hearing about his rampant criminality half a century later does not bode well for our national Tr666p-hangover. Mostly because his gawdam idiot successor Ford pardoned him and he got away with all of it, which led directly to the toxic, destructive open kleptocracy we're enjoying now.
The primary and most dangerous difference between Nixon and other malignant villains on this list is that Nixon actually had a brain. I mean, we got the EPA out of Nixon, among other actual accomplishments.


@ 5,

The Department of "Defense" is just a giant kleptocracy funnel to siphon off Treasury dollars to the war profiteers. It's well-established that they--along with the CIA, FBI, DHS, and the rest of our national stupidity apparatus--are so incompetent that they couldn't find their own asses with both hands and a flashlight. They're very proficient with mass-murdering black and brown people around the world, that's it.

We installed a hostile foreign intelligence asset as president after he lost the 2016 election bay 3 million votes, who then carried out the ultimate insider attack that destroyed our nation's credibility and national security. No wonder the Russians think we're a fucking joke.

If the Pentagon has ever done anything that's actually kept the country safe since 1945, then THAT would be news. We don't need to give a fuck in the slightest over which head of the hydra gets the sword, unless they're planning an actual coup d'état attack against the American people, which is possible.

$hitler already invaded Portland.


Best and Worst American Presidents...

Abraham Lincoln, largely seen as either the greatest president, or at least in the top three, actually did a lot of authoritarian, unconstitutional, and outright illegal things. I've read a lot on the US Civil war and, granted, he was trying to hold the country together, but man... closest thing to a dictator we've ever had.

I still rate him very highly and give him pass since his efforts ended successfully, but read up on the stuff he did sometime. Your jaw will drop.


@ 19,

You're absolutely right on that. In school, they sure did white-wash all of the openly illegal, questionable, and unconstitutional shit Lincoln pulled to keep the country together.

"We're not gonna worry about that, and neither should you, fiddledeedee."


@7 bad judgment describes your posts. Lying to get us into a war and then "losing" billions of dollars allocated for fighting that war is indeed corruption. Torturing people is corruption. Having the CEO of Diebold on your reelection campaign, and then having issues with those machines, is corruption.


@ 22,

It's largely based on the number of Americans they killed and the lasting impact of the damage.

If Tr666p, Moscow Mitch, Bill Barrf, Mike Pompousasshole, et al, really do launch a coup against us, he can certainly run up the list!


Sadly, Trump will not be gone. He will tour, rally his base, and raise cash to fund organizations committed to disseminating vile disinformation. He is the Caesar of deceit, a self-important blowhard who presumes he's the gutsy voice speaking truth to power, when he's a corrupt coward bellowing resentments at the gullible and jealous. No, he will not be gone. And so sane America's work is really just beginning. Trump will continue to pour forth lies, innuendo, self-pitying fraudulence, and self-promotional ratings-babble. And most who adore this demagogue will continue to adore him. It's sobering. But at least he lost this round, and there is a chance more people will wake up from the spell they are in. But, Joe Biden: you've got your work cut out for you. Best of luck, Joe. A majority of Americans root for you.


Never really "got" Britney. Robyn, on the other hand...


@ 22 continued,

We still haven't recovered from James Buchanan and Andrew Johnson and the sociopathic, racist hatred they legitimized even now 150 years later.

They were the precursors for giving white people permission to spitefully vote against their own interests for Nixon, Reagan, CaliguBush, and Tr666p, who in turn have hamstrung any efforts for restorative justice and to combat climate change and may ultimately kill more people while leaving the country a broken, divided train wreck.

A destructive presidency is like a nuclear bomb with a blast radius that extends for generations.


@2 - perhaps Britney is the "common danger?"


@17 - I see very little danger that Biden will pardon Fat Donald (assuming he has not pardoned himself, or figured out a way for Pence to do it, before he leaves office).


@ 33,
Great point. Well, for starters:

1) It's the same people that voted for all these evil fux, and they are on the wrong side of every issue compared to the rest of the nation, and by large margins. The Soviet Union would be embarrassed by the crude stupidity of Republinazi propaganda, which repulses anyone with two brain cells to rub together. The loudmouth toxic morons only have political power because our despicable system of government is set up specifically to enable white male supremacist, minority rule, and at some point in the near future it's gonna break, if for no other reason than sheer incompetence;

2) This white trash supremacist demographic is in its death throes, and Blacks, Latinos, and queers are not gonna sign up to exterminate ourselves, nor are women gonna enslave themselves en masse as baybee-making machines;

3) As a gay man, I've seen the incredible turn the nation has taken towards embracing LGBT people and women's equality over the decades, so it has proven to be capable of change;

4) I believe it because I have to believe it--hope is the most dangerous drug.


FreeBritney and for the love of BOB plz dont link to her or stream her cuz it just lines her dad & her keepers’ pockets.


@ 38,

I pray to Dolly Parton; I have no concerns of her benevolence ; )


In Dolly We Trust


@25 - Nah, he's a special kind of noxious whack-job in his own right. Dan Patrick is the one who insisted we should just let old people croak and get on with our normal lives, among other things. No, he dreamed that shit up all on his own, albeit at least in part to impress his cult leader.

His hotline is the one people should be flooding with absurdity...and demands for their million bucks.


@27 After he leaves office, Trump is going to be spending a lot of time in a New York State criminal court. There's a whole season of Law and Order that can be based on this.


Like it just boggles my mind that in this country batshit psychotic things like Denny Park can exist the way they do without much issue, but a 38 yr old woman that performs live on stage daily for audiences of thousands in Las Vegas isn't allowed to control her own finances or life. Maybe Dolly Parton can join Cher & put some of her benevolence on the FreeBritney train.


@45: You're forgetting or overlooking why the conservatorship was established for Britany in the first place. The original reason for it was valid.


Was it really @46? I've done a lot of weird things before with umbrellas.

Also: it's 12 yrs later and we still don't know what that reason really was, or is.


And if the conservatorship is valid and needed, why can't it be under somebody that's not her creepy dad that's banned from seeing her kids because he abused one of them.


Also, you can't even spell her name right. So why am I even.


@48: I agree it is no longer needed.
@49: I spelled it right in @2.





@51: That's the British spelling of the past tense. Both are correct.

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